
Angela Chloe

Latest answers from Angela Chloe

Do you support Abortion

Yes 100% there’s people who get r*ped or forced into child birth and that shit aint right. Especially people who cant care for a baby financially or just as a person

if you’ve had your first kiss, do you think it was with the right person?

Yes, he’s my current boyfriend now since we reconnected after school ended

If you could re-do 2020, would you?

Nah, it may have been kind of boring at times, people sick and dying, but if i were to redo 2020 it all would still happen.. other than that my life was fine

These fuckers at ASKfm are trying to censor me. FUCK YOU ASKfm, I believe in free speech, and freedom of discussion. I won't stop, BAN ME!

Fuck yeah say whatever u want as long as ur not being racist cause all racists are ✨scumbags ✨ ❤️

Language: English