

Ask @chirrido

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-cont- tho she's only changing position & not a new replacement. So for those who say "it's easy" to rearrange any organized thing, well lemme just give a big FUCK YOU in the face. & lets remember that a concert isnt just ONE performance thing.

Can't say or do much other than fully agreeing with you. Especially after seeing some of the boys leaving SMB at 5am last night just to be awake a few hours later (B was posting at IG at 9am) :c
They are working really hard, so people better don't dare to say "it's not that serious" smh

and do you think he will lose? lol don't want to be meanie but i kind of want it for him

lmao i really don't know, after seeing the mess he and his new agency created in order to get the exposure and to catch sm off guard, i HIGHLY doubt they would go for this kind of lawsuit without heavy evidence. They know what they are doing.
They probably had around one year (IF the first 1-2 disappearances did indeed have to do with him wanting to leave, if not, who knows how many months) to prepare themselves and to find those holes in the contract needed in order for him to win, to collect evidence and to find people willing to back him and his story up.
One thing is clear; if SM did win, that would be the most awkward and funniest thing we would see in a good while.

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well clearly some don't understand that it's not just 11 ppl but also the rest of the team who work with them for such an important moment of their career/lifes; also i doubt he's going to start solo anytime soon as well tbh, he'll realise that he's got a lot to lose while quitting very soon imo

It will take about 6 months for the court to make a judgement about the lawsuit, and i would be really surprised that he would make many moves in china for the time being. He can live off of the press and his momentum and being just a "celebrity" though, and i'm sure he has plenty of people backing him up so i don't think he'll regret much.. unless he ends up losing the lawsuit and having to pay back to sm lol

noa clings to you you're so fab but i'm scared to approach you

omg wth why ; ; i'm not scary i'm really awkward lol
please come at me and don't give up lmao i'll hug you in two days, i promise u_u

but it's a piece of cake to re-arrange a bit with 11 members and kris is easy to replace u___u *inserts sarcasm* at least from what i've read lol some fans really don't see any exhaustion cuz hey kris has like 1-2 lines in the songs & he isn't really a dancer & etc. like why ot11 fans whine about it

Kris may not have been in the front, but dancing with an empty space is not an option; that's extra work that they shouldn't have to do. Also, it may be less noticeable for OT12 performances, but what about k and m? What if they were planning to split the songs in both versions? That would take half of the choreo to be fixed, even if he's not a main dancer it's only 6 (now 5) people, hence impossible to simply move a member a bit to cover for his place.
And what about especial performances? What do we really know about the choreos that we were supposed to see and now can't happen but were already probably perfected? Kris was bound to be in a few of those.
Also, it's not just about the songs, it's the full concert. It takes preparation and effort to know where they should come from and when. The timing and positions is essential, even their camera work/focus has to change too, it's a one time thing that now has to be fixed because he isn't there.
Him not being the biggest loss when it comes to musical talent doesn't mean that he wasn't part of a team that now has to face rearrangements. And I repeat, they shouldn't have to. They did their work, he quit.

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why are you mad at kris?

Because Baekhyun and the rest now have to exhaust themselves in order to get things ready without him since he left without a notice. Nothing of what's happening is their fault, yet those 11 are paying the price of his irresponsible behavior.

I have this mutual follow whom I kinda talk to and she's a kris stan and you know.. one of those fans-in-denial population and she got pissed over those who are mad at kris/ have alrd moved on to ot11 but I dont want to offend her with my tweets so....teach me master

I think you have to evaluate what kind of relationship you have with her and understand that losing a friendship over something as trivial as a pop boyband member leaving a group is really not worth it - talk to her, tell her you're worried she might get you wrong with your tweets and that you don't want it to be an impediment to be friends with her? There are plenty other media sites where you two can still "follow" each other, like tumblr, facebook, kakao/ line, idk. A twitter follow shouldn't define your friendship.
But! things change if you don't consider her a friend lol lbr if it's just a mutual follow who you only kind of.. have there and never actually clicked with (i think you know what i mean, we all have a few of those), then maybe it's not worth all the trouble and a simple unfollow will do; she won't cry, neither will you. You can always talk to her anyway before pressing the button if you feel bad :c
Telling you literally what I told myself yesterday because I'm in the same situation with 2 people.. ended up """keeping"" my friend and unfollowing the other random girl lmao ;;

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Are antismoking ads effective?

not at all, but because that kind of choice depends 100% on the person believing they should quit. It has to be willingly, ads aren't scary or shocking enough since it's something that could damage you but after a long, long time. Immediate risk factors don't really exist so.. yeah, no lol I talk from experience.

do you know if there is inkibaek tom?

I am guessing that if inki airs we'll have inkibyun?
EXO's schedule has it added and I haven't seen any news regarding its cancellation for another week, so maybe? ;;
May 18
[BROADCAST] SBS Inkigayo (SBS 인기가요) - 15:30 KST
[BROADCAST] SBS Good Sunday ‘Roommate’ (SBS 일요일이 좋다 ‘룸메이트’) - 16:20 - (Chanyeol)
If anyone knows anything else please do tell~

Y si ahora el caso fuera al revés... Tú estás enfermo y podrías morir. ¿Saldrías con alguien aún sabiendo que te va a perder o te alejarías de esa persona?

Me alejaría, o al menos intentaría mantener ciertos límites. Creo que me pesaría demasiado el pensar que esa otra persona estaría dispuesta a estar conmigo hasta en esos momentos, cuando después irremediablemente voy a tener que dejarla atrás. La incertidumbre de si acabaría bien o mal y que tenga que recaer sobre mí.. creo que no me convence demasiado. A pesar de mi respuesta anterior.

Saldrías con una persona que fuera a morir pronto por alguna clase de enfermedad? Que harías después de su muerte?

Si estuviera previamente enamorada de esa persona sí, claro. Incluso si me acabara gustando durante esa enfermedad, pero no saldría con nadie por pena. Tendría que ser tan real como con alguien que tuviera esperanzas de un futuro conmigo.
¿Y supongo que después simplemente intentaría vivir la vida que esa persona no pudo..? Guardaría lo que llegáramos a pasar juntos como algo bonito y seguiría adelante, creo. Nunca se puede estar seguro de estas cosas, depende mucho de la situación y de las personas que acaben involucradas en ella.

can i have your instaa:)?

ask in twitter if we follow each other and i'll link you! :c sorry idw it to go around too much lmao

but baeksoo's voices in thunder ;;;;

baeksoo's voces in everything >>>>>>>>
but they don't make thunder (unlike moonlight) so it wouldn't be fair to be that biased even though i am lmfao ; w; there's so much more that needs to be taken into account


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