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Ask @choresty

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Apa biasanya alasanmu untuk tidak menyukai suatu jenis makanan/lauk? (boleh disebut makanannya, boleh ngga huehue)

hopesaround’s Profile Photohope
gak suka karena gak mood, *tipe yang makannya mood2an

chan, kenapa ada orang yg marah kemudian sok bijak krn ngerasa gak dihargain padahal dia sendiri gak pernah ngehargain orang lain? #sebenernyacurhatgaragarabete

Ingatlah kembali manusia itu dasarnya mentingin diri sndiri dan self center. Cuma wiseman sejati yg sadsr dirinya gitu dan diam saja drpd ribut

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chan ada rekomendasi anime bagus yang baru-baru keluar ga?

>Owari no Seraph = tentang malaikat dan manusia dan vampir bertempur anu anu
>Charlotte = yha ada lolinya juga
>YukiYuna is a hero = for loli and gen urobutcher feeling
> Circle of reincarnation Rinne = MOST RECOMMENDED

Chan, kalo Se 18.6 Si 33 Ne 32.9 Ni 40.1 Te 37.4 Ti 36.8 Fe 13.7 Fi 27.7 itu berarti gimana yah? thanks

selamat mencari kekasih ENFP ~

Chan, apakah ngejudge orang lain (terutama yang nggak dikenal) terlalu cepat ada hubungannya sama tipe mbti atau enggak?

ngga ada mz.

jadi reality marble (Contoh, Unlimited Blade Works) itu seni? karena dia "Mewujudkan dunia internal ke dunia eksternal dalam sebuah bentuk bounded field" -quote wikia, saya mau pendapat anda trims.

Ini pasti mz Abi ya. Yha mz apa aja bisa didefinisikan seni selama mendapat acknowledgement dan recognition (waw maav bahasanya kok wibu) dari institusi seni, atau dari diri penciptanya sendiri. Ingat2 lagi teori seninya pak Yustiono dan pak Isa.

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

Let's not be hypocrite--if I can be rich and famous and happy so why not

When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

Fulfill my goal and dreams properly, find my long lost true mate.

do you enjoy US cartoon series other than anime? what do you like the most?

I like American Dragon series (Jake Long), it was at 2007.... I think.

hi there. have you ever feel jealous to one of your closest friends? if it is a yes, why?

Maybe because they achieve more? Or already get married?

what is your wildest dream?

Get married in singapore flyer.
Okay maybe it is not wild enough...but I am wild everyday

if by any chance you have to replace your mother with all her job and tasks, could you manage to do it?

Give me a week to practice and I'll manage it in my own way.

n ur 5 best good at and bad at skills

Bad : organizing things. Make neat linearts or details (in visual drawings). Advertising. Persuading people. Grammar. Calculating.
Good : basically at every expressive concept in artistic field. Memorizing things. Connecting patterns everyone can't see. Nurturing. Learning abstract things.

describe ur 5 best and worst traits

Worst : I am messy. I can't be logical when needed. I am avoidant. I am lazy. I can only do things well if I like it.
Best : I can do anything when I like it. I am tactical when it comes to creative field. I am flexible and not easily angered. My randomness will keep boredom out when you are with me. I easily recover from sadness.

y are intjs are keep saying mean things? i personally think that u can't broke people's heart even if what u said is the truth. can't they act sweet and say something nice for once?

an INTJ best friend of mine said this earlier :
"Hey, honestly... if I say something rude, I don't mean to be rude. I just don't like telling lies or trying to cover it. I don't know how to communicate smoothly and be nice to people. If I can be more diplomatic, I'd like to but..I just can't"
I think it's not what made them. To behave nice and filter their actual mind with sweet words isn't in their main capability (it seems). It is the same as asking INFP to lead an army and persuade people, or pick a job based on logic, and not our interest. Hard for us, isn't it?


Language: English