What's the longest you've gone without sleep? October 26, 2022 4 days building up to my last psychotic break
If you’re in a long term relationship and the other person doesn’t have sex with you or show they’re interested in you what do you do? October 26, 2022 If you love them you find compromises. Some people go poly or open relationships, some people just don't care about sex like myself
Have you ever experienced a severe illness ? What it was ? Fontaine October 26, 2022 Rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, chicken pox, bipolar, general anxiety disorder, complex ptsd, fibro myalgia and arthritis amongst other bits and pieces.
Is it weird that two people in relationship both like and do art? October 26, 2022 Nothing weird about that.
Why is he not answering my phone calls but messaging me at same time on Snapchat? October 26, 2022 Some people just hate talking on the phone. I certainly do...but my broken phone is so screwed up I don't need to worry about calls.
Have you broken a bone? October 26, 2022 Yes. I broke my wrist, chipped my elbow and fractured my ankle most recently.