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you are so flippin lucky that chandler riggs follows you😯😋

ahaha I didn't even know who he was when he first followed me whoops

When did you first know that you were a lesbian?

I'm actually bi/pan, and I realized it a little over a year ago. idk I've had crushes on guys but I just realized that girls were cute too and I never liked one until recently but I was open to the idea of it I guess

Honestly have you ever plagiarized anything before ?

STORY TIME once in fourth grade we had to do these reading logs three times a week and I didn't want to write so I just copied the back cover of the book and my teacher never noticed bUT MY MOM DID and she told me what plagiarism was and I felt so bad I cried for like two days and yeah since then I've never plagiarized so :///

so my name is caroline too and I want to work in the medical field when I grow up also ( 98% sure i remember that you do too lol sorry if you don't). but i absolutely love your poems, especially the caroline/Carolyn one bc I relate a lot. you are so talented and ily !!

yeah I do! and thank you so much, that one was really personal but it seems all the other carolines have had that problem ahaha

But reply to this, what do I do. Should I stay with him, break up. I just can't take it I want to love him. He is so amazing. But so is the other guy. But I can't be with him bc he lives in another state. I'm a reck😰

never say I love you if you don't mean it. you owe it to him to tell him that you can't dedicate yourself fully because of the guy back home. I'd suggest to take time to yourself to move on and grow

You probably hear this a lot, but I think you are amazing and I love your poetry, thank you for being yourself

aw thank you so much hdndcbnd

What is the scariest thought that comes through your head at night?

sometimes I get panic attacks at night where I think I'm having a heart attack, idk it's scary


Language: English