Dan, what's a good way to develop work ethic to work hard at stuff such as getting adequate amounts of skill at art?
You know that moment when you're doing pushups and your arms want to quit but you push yourself to do just one more? Discipline comes from willpower, and willpower is something you build up the same way you build up muscle. Exactly at the moment you feel like putting down the pencil and taking a break -- notice it. Notice that your willpower is breaking and say NO. I will KEEP WORKING. And do it. Even just five more minutes. Then you'll slowly find it easier and easier to force yourself to do things you don't want to do.
You can do it, anon! It's going to be painful, but that's the point. You gotta do it anyway!
You can do it, anon! It's going to be painful, but that's the point. You gotta do it anyway!
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