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Are the clyw kendama better than the sweets focus?

Sweets makes some of the best kendamas out there, plus they custom design all of their stuff, and custom paint it themselves. They do sooooo much for growing the kendama community. Can't beat that. - Chris

What software to design?

I use Solid Works. But you can use almost anything that does Vector drawings. - Chris

When will the scout be released?

We're doing something unique for the Scout and will be releasing a full run with the same design as the prototype. Then we'll move into production with some small tweaks. Hoping for a late November or early December release. We shall see. - Chris
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

How do I start making my own combos? I'm in that stage where I want to start coming up with my own stuff. Any tips? Thanks!

For me I like to start with a mount like double or nothing and then just play around with different ways of getting in and out of it. Then make some note and get out of them. Spend an hour a day just trying different movements with your hands and arms. Then something new will pop out and then just find different ways to flow in and out of a trick. Keep practicing it until it's fluid and you don't hesitate at any points of the combo. - Chris

What are your plans for the future of CLYW? Expansion? Overseas manufacturing?

I've been talking with Steve and we would really like to try making a run of a lower cost metal, but manufactured in North America. There is no way we could do it with our current system, but it would be nice to see if we can do it. Would also like to try a Yeti 2 and fix some of its issues. But that's going to be very expensive and a lot of work. So we'll see. Just want to continue to grow clyw organically and not push too hard to grow. Steve and I work really well together and are on the same page with a lot of things, so I'm excited. - Chris

Just curious how long it takes from the initial designing until a yoyo is on the market? Hoping we'll see Charles signature yoyo soon(ish).

Depends on how busy One Drop is and how quick the design is created. Sometimes 2 months, sometimes 6 months, sometimes 8. Last year We designed all 4 of the 2014 series over the course of 2 days in September and it wasn't until I think December or January that the final one came out and that was really good, but we had 2 manufacturers at that time. - Chris

How many throws are coming out in 2015, and is it harder to gravel to contests with kids?

We have three new models in the works.
The Scout - Petr's new return top
Harrison's signature return top
Chuck's signature return top
I really want to design a couple more too, so we'll see how that goes.
Also Maider and Kurti are killing it on the competition scene so I hope to make something for each of them next year, but shhhhh don't tell them.
- Chris

I entered malaysia international yoyo open, and it was first contest in my life, and I made into final! Yay! Tommorow is my final freestyle!

Congratulations! Will you be throwing a CLYW? If so what's your name? - Chris
Liked by: Lincoln Morris

Caribou Chris Why did you start CLYW? Its turned into such an awesome company over the years.

During my last year of engineering I realized that I should have taken industrial design. I just loved product design.
I was a pretty big collector back in 2004-2006 and was buying 1 or 5 yoyos a week. Then one day I got a total dud and was so mad and one my co-workers said why don't you just design your own. So I thought ... Hmmmm good idea!
So I teamed up with the only other yoyoer I knew in town, Paul Wallace, and we created CLYW and the Peak with the help of Levi McCarroll. Levi had a good eye for design and aesthetics and helped make that little donut ripple around the nipple and created the mountains.
I had no idea it was going to be a hit, I just needed an outlet for all of the creative energy I had. I basically stepped on what felt like a runaway roller coaster and grabbed on for dear life. With Steve now helping out I finally feel like I have more control and can actually start planning things we want to do (can't wait for 44 Clash!!!). - Chris

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How did you find the members of the clyw team over the years?

Oh my gosh I would have to make a couple blog posts to tell these stories. It's all over the place from: asking my favorite player to join, to being cornered in the men's room at worlds (jk). My favorite story is Zach's. We held a video contest in 2009 and Zach just blew everyone away. So at BAC we asked him to join the team and gave him a brown paper bag full of yoyos (lol). He was so small and little and then cutest kid ever. I knew he was going to be a star one day ... And here he is 5.5 years later a 2X US national champ. I need to make that blog post! So many stories.
- Chris

I was lucky enough to score a Maiderade Puffin 2, how many were made in that color?

It's one of our favorite new colorways. We're so lucky that our anodizer was able to pull it off. Hope they can do it again. We made 20 of them in the first run. Crossing our fingers that they can do this colorway on the upcoming Gnarwhal 2 release. - Chris

Chris, outside of CLYW, who do you consider to be your best friends in the community?

Seth Peterson, Paul Escolar, André, YoYoBrothers, Vic Bazaz, Box, Alex Smith, Matt Rice, Brian Gill, Lake & his family, everyone at One Drop ... There are so many people I have met and talk to a lot everyday, and just love to hang out with at contests. It's my family. I honestly prob have like one friend in Edmonton. The rest live in cities around the world and I've met them all through yoyoing. - Chris
Liked by: Dean Horneck

I think it would be cool to here how some of your team members started throwing and what was there first throw?

Eli Tucker
Great idea! Hope to do more interviews with out players. - Chris

How did Chris start throwing?

I kind of always yoyoed as a kid, but I didn't get into yoyoing until 1999 when a classmate of mine in university, who worked at a toy store, would bring his Yoyo to class. I thought it was so cool. Then 8 mo later my Yoyo broke and I didn't get back into it until 2004. Picked a cheapo one up and then ran out of string. Did an Internet search for Yoyo string and discovered the wonderful world of modern yoyoing. - Chris
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Do you take great pride in being Canadian? What's your opinion on the USA?

I do take a lot of pride in being Canadian and feel pretty lucky to have 'free' healthcare. I love the US, most of my friends are American. Growing up I kind of always felt american. Besides our politics our countries are not that much different. Just one might be colder. - Chris
Liked by: Shintaro Noda


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