

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Steve don't you ever feel that the yoyoing community and this whole idea of beating competitions and people trying to get sponsored is ridiculous, silly, and annoying? Or do I just worry about what others do too much?

I think you worry too much about other people. Enjoy it for the things you love about it, and let other people enjoy it in their way. -Steve

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Steve why do you live in Ohio?

I moved here in February 2001to be the Sales & Marketing Coordinator for Duncan Toys. I quit that job, but I stayed. I like seasons. -Steve

Chris what ever happened with the guy that worked with you in the beginning of clyw? Does he still have interest in yoyos?

Paul Wallace still loves yoyoing. We're good friends. He makes string when he can, but mainly focuses on training for triathlons now. Super proud of him! He went to nationals last year and placed really well. A real inspiration! -Chris
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

My parents are always telling me to not get carried away with yoyos because it will lead me to the wrong path. They've mentioned that they're going to start having schedules as to when I can play. All this got me thinking, how is life and the real world? I'm 12 and I'm not sure what's to be expected

I have a mechanical engineering degree. Alex Berenguel and Mark Mangarin are biomedical engineers. Abe has a physics degree. John Bot is an animator. Aaron and Alec are both professional photographers. Nuu is a teacher. Harrison has been cast in a movie, he's done a TED talk, he's been on TV several times and raises money for charity all through yoyoing. It's not the yoyo that will bring you down a dark path. It's the type of person you are and how driven you are. Focus on school, but don't let the yoyo distract you from where your head needs to be. Yoyoing is an amazing creative outlet that teaches goal setting and communication skills. I've seen it turn around lives for kids. Next time your parents rag on you show them his post and tell them to email me. I'd love to have a chat with them! -Chris

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Save thw revamped Peak for next year. You guys already have a lot this year. Save it for the new Era of CLYW not the anniversary.

Lol what revamped Peak? How could you see it when it doesn't exist? There's no revamped Peak. Where do these rumours start? -Chris

Chris do you know what's up with Jensen and Charles? Do they live relatively close and stop by and say hi?

They're about a 20min drive from me. Chuck is killin it with his stand up comedy and I heard he is one of the funniest guys in Edmonton. They're busy doing their thing. Hope it goes well for them! -Chris
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

hey steven. i don't mean to come across as rude or ungreatful -infact I'm a huge fan of what you've done- but you've been working with clyw for over a year; what have you done/changed for the company?

Great question! A lot of people don't know this, but Steve plays a HUGE role with keeping CLYW running behind the scenes. Customer service, managing the team, managing production schedules and tracking expenses, art direction, shipping, editing video, updating the site, picking colors/names, making sure I am accountable ...
Steve has helped make CLYW 1000Xs more efficient. He helped initiate a a project management system ... All the important stuff required to make sure things get done and on time.
Steve has a solid pulse on what people are asking for and we use that feedback to help make CLYW even better: from new models to order, colors to choose, or new design elements to include. Me and Steve (and now Alec) make a solid team, we work so well together and are on the same page about a lot of things. I can't imagine not having him a part of CLYW, he's a blast to work with and I can always count on him to get things done, give advice or brainstorm on a new project.
So what has Steve done? He's helping point this ship in the right direction so that we can grow and become more sustainable. -Chris

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I feel like I can't learn from trick videos, and I've hit a wall making tricks, what would you suggest that would help with this?

I find taking a break or trying a different skilltoy or different style of yoyoing helps (4A, 5A). There are soooooo many great tutorials out there too. Find the ones that work. Try to learn some longer combos and then try to use some of the elements to make your own combos. From there new trick concepts can help come to you. -Chris

can i have a suggestion after you release blizaard igloo nd bigdipper, maybe you can make a yoyo designed by your fans? I know it could ve awesome ( or not)

Have you seen this Simpson's episode? -Chris
Liked by: James Luce

IMO Zach is so underrated in the community right now. He took Worlds but not much talk of him anymore. Any videos from him anytime soon? I remember Gentry when he won. Since then till now you can't avoid hearing about him even if you're in different countries. Does it come down to marketing / promo?

Couple things:
- what Gentry had for him was the low cost model released right after worlds (we took too long and weren't that prepared. One of the problems with doing domestic manufacturing)
- no dubstep music lol
- Zach threw a dark Borealis which makes it hard to follow what's going on
- Big Dipper isn't out yet
- Borealis is on fire 🔥🔥🔥
- but ya if you look at our top Instagram content for the year it's all photos of Zach
- We're just getting started though: Zach, Aaron and Alec shot a bunch of footage and will be editing some videos and photos too.
Liked by: DA

When is maider dropping a blizzard video?

He's scheduled to hang with Alec end of January. So prob Feb some time? - Chris

What is your opinion on those people on Instagram who's user names start with CLYW but aren't sponsored by you guys

I don't mind. It's rather humbling. -Chris

happy new bears. and word on yuikis signature? i hears it is gonna be call the grizzly.

We haven't started yet. No name picked yet. 😊 -Chris

Eeeeeeee Kurti gonna make erryOne get rekt dis year cuz he got that kush mixed with Mt. Dew, Doritos, and Snoop Dogg and a hint of mom get thw camera aka the Igloo. That thing is sooo mlg that I can't even Flippin pancakes process whet he doz. He da Alexis Texas of Jojo.

Mambo dogface to the banana patch?
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

So if I want long horizontal combos, and faster tricks and a powerful spin, should I get an igloo or a blizzard?



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