
Con Viue

Ask @conviue

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我終於明白為什麼會社交疲倦 可是我又怕悶 真是矛盾


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Ladies, what will you do if your heels are broken? I think it's easier to walk by breaking both heels. Do you think it's feasible?

Fgfghhgg’s Profile PhotoFgfghhgg
Didn't wear it.

我又遇到自己鐘意嘅人啦,又無勇氣講, 已經第二次啦😵,第一個已經錯過咗,唔想再錯過呀,應該點做呀,我比較內向.

xtrem_puss’s Profile Photoko ~kkk

Have you ever thought about what your past lives were like and what you learned back then? Ever considered what your current life is trying to teach you?

Ismene Julayla Tovah Grimaude
Uh-huhMy past life didn't teach me much.Because it was a happy time,But my mother taught me a lot,She passed away, but I will always love her.As for life now.I don't know,My depression is getting worse.I don't know when I'm gonna be okay.I can only say that this question will be answered better in a few years.


Language: English