To the women, when they say women only maybe get the big O 60% of the time, do you agree... Is it lack of understanding? Selfishness by other party involved? Not right methods? Surely it should be give and take in all aspects?!

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Alot of things can factor in to not hitting the big O, some women can't, at all, no matter what technique or technology is used, off balance hormones, some medications (especially antidepressants) can decrease ability to O or even destroy a person's entire drive, sometimes it's nothing at all to do with the partner, something as simple as the mood not being right can impact it, even if everything else is just hunky dory. Realistically the fault being the partners is probably only a very small percentage in the grand scheme of why a lass can't get that O.

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Liked by: RidgeBack Rogue
It's your partner you need to be talking with . Everyone is unique .
The percentage thing is total shit .
If you are too immature to talk with your partner freely , you're too young to be shagging , learn to talk first & gain confidence and experience that way
Then . . . . dedication & practice makes perfect . . .
"if at first you don't succeed , try, try again"

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