Do you ever have worries there is something wrong with you? Like for instance I have no memories and cant remember stuff longer before this year, i mess up words and can't get the right ones out/right order, social situations are really difficult (like i dont know what to say). Maybe i need a check!

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If you have trouble with your memory which it looks like it then you need to speak to a doctor and also work on improving your memory. The other stuff mentioned you can work on that too with practice.
That sounds a little concerning, have you hit your head recently? I would recommend visiting your doctor to make sure your brain hasn't been damaged in some way as a lot of those can be symptoms of different forms of damage to the brain. Could be nothing but better to be sure I always saym
You could be autistic, I don't know though. Best to get diangosed by a professional. I know if I wasn't diagnosed, I'd thinks someone is wrong with me, but nowadays I can see the way I am is a lot due to my autism & autism isn't a bad thing if that's what you got. x3
Do you ever have worries there is something wrong with you Like for instance I
Nah I know the reasons for all my issues and it's mainly due to mental health, ADHD, mild Autism and trauma. But the fact I know my issues come from those things mean I can manage them easier so yeah get yourself checked cause when you find the reason for your stuff you can find a way to manage and help it
My ND senses are tingling hereā€¦.
This sounds a little like dyslexia coupled with anxiety?
Though it could be a number of things on the ND spectrum or even something else entirely.
- just going off what I know, I canā€™t diagnose you at all, Iā€™m not qualified in the slightest.
Iā€™d see a gp and get it investigated.
Also if happens to be something ND, please remember: thereā€™s nothing wrong with you, your brain is just wired differently and thatā€™s fine.
That boat sale long time ago with me can't never remember as far as my childhood like bam only remember my teenagers years not when was a little girl it's really odd but my mum has even worse memory so like mother like daughter everyone is different definitely isn't somthing wrong with you as each brain is wired different I like say..being different ie even better then being same old

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