Just depends
I do express myself, I don't disclose names but ALOT of what I express is past relationships, I do not always tell every detail though, I do not try to make the other person look bad
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Jacky C.M.
Little of both,i tend to keep everything inside so it’s good to get some stuff out on platforms lik this.
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Jacky C.M.
Express emotions privately.
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Jacky C.M.
Wouldn’t matter my exs didn’t never hear me
I'm pretty open tbh
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Jacky C.M.
Keep them to myself most of the time ppl can’t even help bc there nothing to help & when there is they wouldn’t kno what to do in there situation
I tell the truth
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Jacky C.M.
I'm expressing my feelings right here
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Jacky C.M.
Mary-Kate Yelkovan
I do when I feel like it..
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David francis white
Jacky C.M.
Depends on what it is.. Deeply personal relationships I'd keep private. Work, or just other life issues I usually vent into the void of Twitter, but I'm slowly trying to stop that.
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Jacky C.M.
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Jacky C.M.
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Jacky C.M.
I do express them.
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Jacky C.M.
I’m a secret agent in person lol
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Jacky C.M.
Sometimes yes, I prefer to keep certain things not on any platforms.
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Jacky C.M.
Depends on the situation
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Private and quiet
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Jacky C.M.
After I turned 16 I became a different person. It’s demonstrated pretty well on this profile. I’m more okay with leaving things a bit more ambiguous than I used to be