Why forgive if the same mistakes are being made over and over

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1) maybe they don't know they hurt you (yes, sometimes people play the "I shouldn't have to tell him").
2) The other person doesn't see the action as wrong. In that case, you'll have to decide, between you, how detrimental the action is.

Aside from that, if someone continues to hurt you with the same actions, I'd say they don't want the relationship, but don't have the guts to say so.
You have to communicate with them and see if you can help each other. Some times people hurt others and don’t do it intentionally. The ones that do, you set a boundary.
ok heres your chance what is it you want from me ive apologized a million times over i know words cant make up for it i know what i want to do but i dont think it will be returned every thing that has happened was to make you feel better but carried on through the months at my expense so all this can stop what do i have to do


Language: English