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Thoughts on Larry ?

So many thoughts where ma thots at, larry is nice, him and marina make a cute cupel

Thoughts on Daniel ?

Which one, Dimitrov and I have a special bond that revolves around sexc cars, Hristodorov da bae duh
Liked by: Danny

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what ab workouts do you do and do you go to a gym

I don't workout abs, and I haven't been to a gym for 3ish months. I'm heading back to my gym in August

Supreme hat is fake btw sorry to kill your dreams #backonthatnullshitagainweoutchea

DYINGG, niggas think the hat is fake. Get your hypebeast ass outta here
Liked by: Danny

guy stores that have best floral t shirts and shirts and best looking flowery designs. I see you wear all the time those tshirt so where you get dem.

Nah b, it's a secret :3 If I tell you then mad people would know. But here's a piece of advice, if you want to look different, go to different stores.
Liked by: Grace


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