
Abbeigh Oberg

Ask @crdcy8w8kn5370

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What are your major turn offs? For me: girls with deep voices &/or short hair is an automatic no. You could have a banging body but I wouldn’t look twice. Girls with long hair & cute voices could be built like a stick & I’d be conflicted but def in my mine considering weighing pros & cons lol

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it's giving narcissist

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I put your photo as the wallpaper of my phone so you know that I love you 😘

that makes me uncomfortable

Why am I better then you

why am i so much more secure with myself than you? why do i not feel the need to compare myself to you? fuck out my face

When you can prove to me that you are not a liar anymore then only then will I ever talk to you again and it will not be on this f****** app

i probably don't wanna talk at all

My coworker is going around telling people Im lazy. I overheard her saying this also. I told her if my name continues to be in her mouth, I will fight her. Am I overreacting?

i mean r u

We always came back for each other what changed this time I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♂️

you probably trash

Shit I no u. U work up stairs the tall one with tennis thing

negative ghost rider. not me. neither of my jobs have an upstairs

You know this song was about you, I just never could play it before. All of them are about you

main character asf


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