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I get nervous when my period starts because I have to tell my boyfriend and I know his reaction every time is bad, I can't take anything to stop them as it makes me sick, what should I do?

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You sound really young if you feel like this and I don't really want minors on my page. However, if this is or isn't the case you need to not be nervous about something that literally happens to us every month. Why do you have to tell your boyfriend anything like it's some big announcement? It's a natural thing. I'd be more worried if you weren't bleeding every month.

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Tell him how you feel and if he gets offended then its a him problem not you urges do occor as a man and I know his pain specially if your his girlfriend but if your uncomfortable or feel pain when having sex then he should understand how it makes you feel also try reseach into a specialist to see which medication or injection could be the solution for you , the solution for him now is porn hub is free lol .
If I were you, I would tell this fucking "boyfriend" to fuck off. But I am not you and you aren't me.
All I know for sure is that you should not take anything to stop your periods because someone's reaction is bad.
You need to dump him. Seriously… Like this my seem tough and harsh, but for your boyfriend not to understand a basic bodily function of a woman - means that he’s not old nor mature enough to date. Cause this is not something you can control naturally and for him to “be mad” or “upset” or react “badly” is pure childish behaviour. This is not your fault.

Language: English