

Ask @dastardlyd87

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Is it bad not to wear a bra to school?

Well i guess it depends on the rest of the outfit.. Some things are more revealing than others!

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Who’s most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse out of you and your best friend of the opposite sex?

Me... She is pretty useless!

What are you having for dinner, this Sunday?

I missed out on dinner, now in bed, is there dessert going spare?!

What was the last thing you watched on Netflix?

Confessedloser’s Profile PhotoTJ
Resident evil... Zoned out though and didn't pay much attention! You?

Bro are you the riddler?

Don't know... Maybe I could be... Maybe I'm not.... One answer is as true as bigfoot living in the woods

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

The way i look. I dont mean weight and stuff, I just mean how I actually look. Everyone says "you have cute face" but at my age don't want to be cute. Would be nice to be the one girls say is hot for once


Language: English