

Ask @dastardlyd87

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I am now officially announcing myself as Bisexual again, after 6 years of being straight

someone you can trust
Labelling always puts pressure on, be who and do who you want to be happy. As long as you are happy and enjoying your life, then that should make everyone around you happy also!
I'm glad you've come to this point ☺ x

Tell me your darkest secret 😈😂

Well wouldn't be a secret if everyone on here could see the answer...

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Have you ever been in a relationship with a big age gap?

Yes, been with a woman who was 10 years older than me

Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?

All depends on the girl really, age gaps seem bigger when younger but then are not an issue when older! There will always be people who comment, but if you are happy together then who's to judge

Are you an open or private person?

Im pretty open, don't see much need in hiding things, its peoples own choice if they choose to judge

what hand do you write with

I used to be able to write with both hands, but since growing up and not needing to write as much just right handed now

🦁 Would you say you're emotionally strong?

Emotionally strong I would say yes, mainly because most of my emotions are gone. For confidence and self worth though... Thats another question!

Have you ever cheated ? If so, why?

Yes, my partner at the time had been unfaithful and this affected my feelings and confidence, and so it sort of happened

Weird dream ever?

Oh plenty of weird ones... Even in last few nights, but don't know I'd put them here for all to see!

When it comes to dating, what is your “type” ?

For me it's more about the person and how they are, are they fun, funny, caring, can we be crazy and do things and not judge each other, do we both aim to make the other as happy as possible...
So it's not a type, but if i had to go to looks I like pretty eyes, over shoulder hair, cute smile and curvy body

I cheated on my boyfriend.. have you?

Well I haven't cheated on your boyfriend... But i have cheated on an ex in the past...

What would you do to me? ;)

Rosie Blake
Oh well that's quite the question.... And probably a dangerous question to ask when it's so late here and I can't sleep!
But I don't think I'd be moaning about not being able to sleep anymore....

Where do you want to travel?

I'd love to travel somewhere peaceful and quiet, like a completely private beach or woods somewhere


Language: English