
Devlin Putra Candra

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Dear diary,

I had two consecutive meetings today, and it turned out great!
Meeting with Mr. Kim was awesome, he's interested in using my design service in his shoe factory. He even treat me one big ass cup of hot chocolate from Starbucks! My third free Starbucks!
Meeting with FEH crew is a little bit confusing, but there are no revisions whatsoever, so further work won't be such pain in the ass.
Speaking of ass, i'm recovered from my diarrhea, which means my poop will be as smooth as usual.
Dear diary

Gimana rasanya kaki dilindas sama mobil? Kata apa yg keluar waktu kelindes?

Ini Kevin Tan ya?
Cuma mobilmu yang pernah lindes kaki saya.
Ini kejadian tahun 2010. Rambut Kevin Tan masih lurus rebonding.
Saya ingat waktu itu gak berkata apa-apa, gak teriak, soalnya lagi ngunyah roti, kalo teriak rotinya jatuh. Sayang banget kan itu roti gratisan dikasi Maureen.
Gimana rasanya kaki dilindas sama mobil Kata apa yg keluar waktu kelindes


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