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What is the major cause of unemployment in pakistan?

sneakerfahad7’s Profile Photosneakerfahad
-Overpopulation (village people still want more than 2 kids in a hope to earn more)
-Lack of industrialization of remote villages and places which are away from cities.
-Lack of creativity among youngsters due to excessive addiction to phone games: all that never encouraged by 90% parents for their 8 year old kids thinking that creativity will be of no use later.
-Lack of new fields of work , parents have their education restricted to “engineering” or “doctor” or “beta papa ka business karega”. So new scopes often unutilized.
-kids never have the taste to doing something fruitful with their hard-earned money unlike kids in the US. It can be like making something by your own you need and not want. They spend money uselessly except a few. These kids who never earn will never learn the importance of saving money.
Students do not enjoy their subjects so they tend to avoid knowing the subject altogether.
-The education system never stressed on acquiring knowledge but it always cares about getting marks.
-Oppression of the poor keeps no space for improvement of the conditions of farmers.
-Lack of infrastructure for research and higher studies keeps no scope for Made in Pakistan improvement.
-Corrupt government officials.
-Laws full of loopholes which are unable to catch lawbreakers due to social evils.
-Entrepreneurship is highly loathed by the pakistani society just because of its risks of potential failure.

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How enter the man Heart?

Xainirajpit’s Profile PhotoXaini Rajput
A man’s heart is not an object. You can’t acquire it like a consumer good.
All men have different needs in relationship.. it would depend on the type of man you are looking for yourself
A relationship is two ways. Some men are capable of reciprocating the level of friendship and intimacy (with respect) needed and others are not.
There is no secret there is just the same sort of emotional labour you put into your friendships (and hopefully the same joy too)

Define purity?

raheelk1222’s Profile PhotoDebugger;
Purity means understanding our relation with the Supreme and getting rid of the material disease of lust, greed, anger, envy, illusion and madness.
Purity means when you are not perturbed by Material senses and are always under the divine energy then your senses also become divine.
So basically our body and senses are material but when we engage them in the divine beginning with mind then we gradually make us pure and the same senses become divine.

What is the relationship between free will and determinism?

Funkyali’s Profile PhotoZargham
They’re both mind-made concepts, two limiting categories that we imposed onto the world, with no regard for the world as it truly is.
You want to know if choices belong to you. But what belongs to you really? To know this, you must know the self, and you will not know the self by looking outward for it.

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Do you crave peace or happiness?

depressedjoker’s Profile PhotoDepressed Joker
Happiness is temporary and Peace is permanent. There is no surety that you will be in peace if you got the happiness but if you achieved peace, you don’t need happiness to keep yourself happy.
Peace is the state of SATISFIED mind and happiness is a small practice to get temporary peace.
So collective and organised constant happiness of mind can be called Peace.

Why do we sometimes push away people we like?

This could be because of low self esteem or past traumas. Such people are too scared of accepting love or affection from someone. Like a normal human being, their hearts long for love and care but when someone tries to make them feel worthy and special, they feel scared of being broken again. They suffer from complicated grief.
Another, but related, aspect of the problem is the internal conflict between your true self and your distorted self. This conflict can emerge as behaviors that are self-destructive, or destructive to relationships.

How to cope up with stress?

General stress is something that’s nearly impossible to avoid in life.
Drink water, exercise, get enough sleep, don’t drink gallons of coffee—these are all fantastic pieces of advice for living a better, calmer life.
But what about right now?
-Interact with nature. Isolate yourself to some place where there's water, trees, birds around.
-Distract yourself. Involve in some activities you adore.
-To relieve from stress, meditation is a beautiful option. No doubt, it would be hard to concentrate but meditation is really a great healer.
-Try to think out of the box. Make sure you know what is inside the box first.
-Let it go. If the situation is stressful, let the situation go for two or three days. Deal with it after some time. Take a break.
-Free yourself from negative thoughts in such situations. When you think of absurd thoughts, immediately distract yourself with other sensible thoughts.

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Do you ever talk to yourself in your head?

roshsmile’s Profile PhotoMisba T. Awan
Its 6 am.Get up,right NOW.
5 minutes more,please. I slept late last night.
Ok just 5 mins.
Its 6:05. Get up.
What already? 5 minutes more. I think I have a headache.
Your head is just fine. There’s no ache. Just get up already.
Just leave me alone. I will start from tomorrow.Promise.
You said that yesterday.
Ugghhhh…You won’t quit, will you? Well I know just what to do.
Finger slides from ‘snooze’ to stop.
Me talking to me. Every single day..... :))


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