

Ask @elianvigil

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whats the definition of your middle name, and if you dont have, whats the definition of your first name

the Fernando ones were too weird •-•
whats the definition of your middle name and if you dont have whats the

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

San Francisco, Baltimore, Anaheim

Who do u usually hangout with?

No one in particular, but outside of school I'm with Juan, Diego, Ian, and David

biggest pet peeve

people saying lmr, self promoting, people saying "text me" then leaving once you text them they leave you on read, today's music just sucks sorry, people spamming comments with "slay" or things like that is kinda cringe, just being left on read ( or opened @paola_beard 😤👎) todays trends, fakes, people who date someone for the shortest time ever then go on to another person and so on, oh and one last thing: people acting grown up and mature when they cant even get they're act together.

where do u live and school u go to and grade and teacher

i live on planeta tierra where most people are dirt, i live in el paso where most people take el paso incorrecto, my school is up in hollywood blvd, i am in 936th grade


Language: English