
Elizabeth Lail BR

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Which is Lail's favorite movie?

Don't know. I don't remember reading about it or if she's ever talked about it.

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Qual o contexto desse gif ai embaixo?

Bastidores da peça The Dragon. Eu até hoje não sei o que ela fala, mas várias outras colegas dela também aparecem falando o nome das suas respectivas personagens, mas quando a Elizabeth fala, não soa nada com Inspector of Fisher's Wife, então eu não sei...

Do you ever DM elizabeth on twitter? And Instagram?

Sometimes, yes. She mostly never replies back, so there's no point to try to keep full conversations 😹 I never expected that anyway.

Who would be the favorite?

She's not really a princess but that'd be Mulan. She's my favorite character of all time, possibly. Forever making me cry and forever making me happy ❤️

https://ask.fm/elizabethlailbrasil/answers/140552450123 Two of them are Disney's princess. Speaking of that, what do you think about Lily James?

I don't have an opinion about her. The first thing I ever watched of her was Cinderella and I haven't watched anything else ever since, but I liked her performance. Cinderela is my second favorite Disney princess so I was very excited to watch it.

Não conheço muitos filmes dela. Estou querendo ver Compramos um Zoologico.

Eu nunca vi esse, não me interessei. Filmes legais dela pra você ver: Phoebe in Wonderland (o melhor de todos), Ginger & Rosa, The Neon Demon, About Ray e Somewhere.

Sim, o filme com a Elle. Eu li que você gosta dela.

Eu fui no cinema ver com uma amiga na época, estava bem animada pra ver e sair achando legal. Não tem muito da Elle lá, mas fico feliz que ela tenha interpretado a princesa favorita dela. A Angelina ótima, muito boa de Malévola. Acho que no fundo saí com a sensação de que alguns vilões não precisam ser justificados, é legal eles serem puramente maus.

Oh, she did Into the Wild and On the Road. Thank you for remind me.

That's right. That's her exactly :)

besides elizabet, which other actress do you like?

Viola Davis, Elle Fanning, Meryl Streep, Kristen Stewart and Emma Watson are my favorites.

https://ask.fm/elizabethlailbrasil/answers/140517596747 why do you think she feel fake?

Remember in Dead of Summer when Amy cries because she sees Margot and says "I couldn't save her"? When she's crying there it feels 100% fake for me. I know Amy isn't really sad but she's pretending right? And she's very good at so, so why don't I feel she's absolutely heart broken? We will never know, but something doesn't feel right to me. But as I said before, I don't why what Elizabeth as an actress was thinking and what and the director talked about for that scene, so I can't really judge her.


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