

Ask @emperorpartin

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Why do we gain weight when we quit smoking?

Nicotine is a stimulant, and I'm guessing a lot of people replace smoking with snacking to fill the time/have something to do with their hands that said smoking previously occupied.

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Do you like winter or summer more?

I am a fat guy from the South; I HATE summer (and spring and most of fall). I'm only happy when I can 1) go outside in long sleeves and 2) not worry about wasps.

How do you feel about ask shutting down December 1st? ❔🔚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I had no idea, but I can't say I'm happy about it. Even though I've mostly abandoned this place, it still occupies a small corner of where my heart should be.

Where have you been?! No, this isn’t a random question it’s to you, Andy

Hello! Eh I'm still around and very Online, just not Ask. This place started losing my interest yeas ago when they started prioritising coins and popularity so much, then I had a stroke in late August (KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE GUYS) Which made it difficult to focus (literally I mean; my vision is... less than great) and kinda forced me to take a break from everything for a couple of months.

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Liked by: عبير lionessence

Do you get excited when you find things that aren’t made in China? Nothing against things made in China but it’s so common. I see a “made in Japan” “made in Austria” or “made in England” and go Ohhhhh! My curiosity is instantly piqued

You know, I was going to say no and that I don't care, but it is a slight novelty? Yeah I get it.

What is your latest non-academic/work related accomplishment? Can be anything, personal growth, physical/mental health, volunteering, charity work, etc. 😌

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
My hand is SLOOOWLY getting better; was finally able to fully extend my ring and little finger the other day! That's been more than a year of effort.
Don't pinch/compress your nerves, folks.
Liked by: anonamouse

What's your favorite time of day? ☀️🌙

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Big fan of 04:00-05:00 becauseeverything is so peaceful (except the birds)
Afternoon too, because that's when the cats are usually asleep so I can go bother them
Liked by: Tobbe

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I usually get fully engrossed in whatever I'm doing, so I am ridiculously and possibly humorously easily startled.
Not easily intimidated (by people at least)
Other than that I'm a pretty big coward, in contrast to how I appear.
Liked by: Tobbe


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