

♡ Steckbrief: Name - Geburtsdatum - Sternzeichen - Familie - Beziehungsstand - Schlechte Angewohnheit - Gute Angewohnheit - 3 Adjektive die dich beschreiben - deine Lieblingsserie - beste Freunde (markiere) - Etwas über dich:

finallullabyy’s Profile PhotoGossip Boo
Full name: Bastet Menna Yanara Shaheen
birthday: 18.8.2890 BCE (approximately)
zodiac sign: leo
family: daughter of the sun god ra, little sister of ma'at and hathor, big sister of sekhmet, mother of two little girls
relationship status: in a relationship with erik stevens
bad habits: most of the time very pessimistic and equally sarcastic, a little bit lazy and only really revive at night, cursing too much.
good habits: always loyal to my friends, if I can help them there are no limits for me, you can always talk to me honestly, but I don't like it if you try to be nice to me and then pull over me.
three adjectives about me: scratchy, good-natured and sometimes a bit complex.
favorite shows: revenge, empire, dynasty, queen of the south, claws and riverdale, and more.
my best friends: @Schwarzwieebenholz and Kazan Yamaoka.
Something about me: blessed with the property of shape-shifting and other cool magic things. I'm a cat but I love long bubble baths.
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Latest answers from Bastet

— post a picture with a (new) friend:

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
Grateful to have found someone who is just as stupid as I am. It can never get boring. Thank you for stepping into my life. Or more or less accidentally kicked in the door, @dariapritchard.
post a picture with a new friend

— is there a series/movie character you hate?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
John Walker is the Dolores Umbridge from falcon and the winter soldier. Seen it once and immediately I hated him. And in each subsequent episode i liked him less and less. Just my opinion.

— what is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
On the 1st of April, I finally said yes to my man. It's all pretty secret, nobody knew about it, let alone that we talk about it. A normal wedding was out of the question for us. And what could be more crazier than a wedding on the 1st of April, haha.
what is the best thing that has ever happened to you

— what is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
The lotus fields in my childhood. They were so incredibly beautiful. All these blue lotus blossoms. I've never seen anything like it, something so magical, even if it had nothing to do with magic.

» Is your current hair color your natural hair color?

JustAskUsx’s Profile Photojust ask us
Actually, my hair is jet black. But sometimes I try new looks. I think pastel hair would look really good on me, huh?
Is your current hair color your natural hair color

— who will you always be thankful for?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
For my wonderful friends. That they are so understanding and considerate. I haven't had time for the vz for a little longer and have pulled back a lot. Still, I was welcomed with open arms and missed. That means a lot to me. It's nice to know so many wonderful people. To my friends, love you all. 🖤

— Do you have any fears?

Losing the most important people in my life, my friends. Worrying about my future. To upset someone who means a lot to me. Not being a good mother. To disappoint someone. And tarantulas. But I think we already know that by now. By my father Ra I hate them so..

you are radiant and deserve to be safe and surrounded with love

valentinaly’s Profile PhotoTina
thank you so much for your trust, your love and also for your friendship, my sweetheart sister <3

— what song always makes you cry?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
Please don't laugh, but as soon as I hear the first notes of see you again from Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa, I get goose bumps and tears in my eyes. But probably only TF&F fans can feel that. But at hear you me by Jimmy eat world I usually have to shed a few tears also.

Language: English