
katherine pierce.

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Her thigh pushed between his legs, for more reasons than just to find balance. One last lustful look before she stroked her bared fangs against his neck, his smell filling her nostrils before she slowly sunk her teeth in. She was gentle, especially in comparison to her previous move having pushed her against the wall with enough strength to break a human's rip.
She couldn't yet decide why she'd been so gentle but perhaps it was just how much this whole scene reminded her of their past, when a fragile human Damon Salvatore allowed her a taste of his life force. For now she was in no condition to think or talk, Katherine was lost, he tasted so familiar yet slightly different, it was intoxicating, and her grip on him softened the more she drank. She slowing down, pulling back slowly, trying to savor the last few drops in her mouth just a little longer. Finally her eyes met his and she looked like she might as well have been riding out an orgasm; whoever said blood sharing was intimate was underestimating it.
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Latest answers from katherine pierce.

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Outside the store, her banter with the busboy over the addition of bourbon to their coffees revealed a facet of her personality that thrived on manipulation and charm as she repeatedly challenged the policy and with that the busboy's will to keep his job. "Okay, let's do this one last time. I see the bottle, I see the coffee, now add the bourbon into the coffee so me and my boyfriend can continue having our fun little date. Is it really that hard to understand, or are you just that stupid?" Despite the busboy's insistence on the policy against serving alcohol before 8 pm, Katherine's frustration was masked by a sarcastic smile, her tone teasing yet edged with irritation that slowly bubbled to the surface.
"Oh, please. You think I'm a bad customer? Wait till you meet my boyfriend," Katherine declared, her tone boastful as she enjoyed the reference to Damon as her boyfriend, a title she had never used before, even when he truly was her boyfriend, or at least shared the title with his brother. "He's almost killed me twice today, and he actually kind of likes me, I highly doubt he'll feel the same about you," she muttered more to herself, rolling her eyes at the absurdity, and yet finding amusement in their complex relationship.
Katherine inhaled sharply, her attention fully directed at the man at the end of his patience, the mere thought of Damon coming out to find she was helpless to get a drink was enough to refuel her determination as she demanded. “look, let's be civil here, it would be such a shame to lose one of these pretty green eyes over this. make me those drinks!”

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The pressure Damon added to her hand sent a jolt of calm and an unfamiliar sense of safety through Katherine, her gaze drifting from their interlocked hands to his eyes, both surprised and comforted by the contrast between the icy blue that glared daggers at the onlooker and the gentle touch securing hers. her heart raced with fear at Damon's words, only heightening her anxiety, to which she quietly responded wide-eyed, "what?" She found herself trailing him, wishing she could drag her feet to halt his pursuit of trouble, yet knowing such resistance would be futile against his inhuman strength.
"Damon!" she stage-whispered, a mix of concern and warning in her voice, hoping to deter him from potential danger. Their progress paused, giving Katherine a moment to catch her breath as the stranger got distracted, her anxiety slowly dissolving while she watched the scene umfold and the stranger disappear with his companion.
Damon's smirk, a silent reassurance of their safety, prompted an eye roll from Katherine, her frustration at his risk-taking now vocal. "Next time, let's just find the nearest exit, okay?"yet his suddenly serious look added a layer of tension, prompting Katherine to casually slip her hand out of his, avoiding further contact and the emotions it stirred as she cleared her throat softly.
He spoke again, prompting Katherine to scan him critically, a victorious smile creeping up on her as she absorbed the meaning of his words. "Glad to know you're still in, despite the 'minor inconvenience'," she teased, her words hinting at her latest confession.
"So, let's pay and get out of here, shall we, Mr. Salvatore?" she suggested, walking backwards with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Or, even better, you pay and I'll grab us coffees. Don't worry, I'll make sure they sprinkle some bourbon in. Compulsion might be out, but I'm sure I can still work some magic," she winked, turning to exit the store with a flair that only Katherine could muster. (...)

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speeding up slightly to catch up with him. Knowing that the lack of a decision was just meant to spite her, Katherine still had to ask. "So is this a 'take your clothes and leave' kind of thing or is it a 'I'm in, I'll help you get back what my girlfriend stole from you' kind of thing." The brunette asked playfully, trying to illicit some guilt in Damon for Elena's actions as she walked close behind him with her signature smirk.
"Damon?" She prodded, noting his distraction. The lack of response caused the brunette to follow Damon's eyes to a male figure starring at her, an instant sense of dread washing over her as she couldn't place the stranger: admirer, a spy or an enemy even.
Immediately she sped up, her hand instinctively reaching for Damon's, a move she currently didn't care about having to explain later. But the truth was that recently nothing brought her more safety and comfort than his touch, even in moments where he was the main source of her fear. "Do you know who that is?" she whispered, her mind racing with possibilities, fearing the worst; that it could be another vampire.

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After her confession, Katherine's eyes roamed his face carefully, scanning every crease for signs of his thoughts, through the many emotions she came across, disappointment was probably the clearest, anger was another one that made her gulp in regret regarding her recent display of uncharacteristic honesty and its possible consequences. Damon’s gaze drifted to the wall and Katherine could only imagine he'd be cursing himself for believing even a fragment of her words, which served as proof that he indeed must have trusted at least some of what she'd told so far.
She tilted her head back, eyes rolling at the sarcasm filled comment he mustered. She didn't have time for a verbal reaction when she saw him approach her, her heart skipped a beat.
Instinctively, Katherine retreated, her back pressing against the wall as she clutched the bundle of clothes closer reflexively. This defensive stance, so reminiscent of the former victims of her immortal prowess, made her long for the days when she could effortlessly take Damon on. "Damon," she cautioned, her eyes darting to the open curtain, silently reminding him of how many people were around, hoping the reminder would serve as a deterrent from doing something regrettable.
Her gaze inadvertently fell to his lips, reigniting the undeniable tension between them, before she forcefully met his eyes again. Trying to project sincerity as she stared back at him, knowing that's exactly what Damon needed to see in her at that moment. Yet despite her efforts a glimpse of fear was still present as she starred back at the man capable of ending her existence while she kept on piling reasons for him to do just that.
She had anticipated his anger, hoping an 'early' confession would soften the blow, especially when what she needed wasn't something to be taken as much as it is to be given willingly. "I'm not lying to you, Damon." She challenged softly, her voice unable to hide the shiver of intimidation, same one on display in her soft gasp when his arm extended towards her, and he took the pile of clothes off her arm. She breathed out a breath she didn't know she was holding back until the second he turned around.
She allowed herself a small, confident smile, relieved to have navigated another precarious moment with him. But beneath her self-congratulation lay a realization: she was sexually drawn to the danger Damon represented, despite her usual preference for control elicited by her paranoia, she found an unexpected delight in the vulnerability Damon ignited in her, something that she'd never understood before when the roles were swapped, yet apparently the key to that enjoyment was trust and clearly she'd trusted Damon more than she liked to admit to be this turned on by a situation that brought her this close to death.
She quickly fixed her hair in the mirror attempting her best calm and collected look before following him out.(...)

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Katherine let Damon's accusatory words dissolve into the tension-laden air, a deliberate silence her chosen response. Perhaps she hoped to diffuse the palpable strain she had noticed coiling in his stance before she turned her back to him, or maybe, in a twist of irritation, she sought to amplify it, to stir some annoyance that mirrored her own after his accusations. As she retreated to the dressing room, her reflection greeted her with a resigned sigh. Stooping to retrieve her clothes, scattered in the wake of their private encounter, Katherine was haunted images of what might have been, had Damon not been bound to his so called morals. That thought seemingly helped and she hated him just a little more.
Rising, she caught Damon's reflection as he loomed at the doorway. "Yup. I’ll try the rest at home," she responded dismissively, her arms cradling a heap of garments. Deliberately, she left behind the top that had failed to win Damon's approval, her eyes sweeping the room one final time before they settled on him.
A heavy silence fell between them, charged and waiting, as Katherine's gaze roamed his face, searching, probing, before finally meeting his eyes. A battle waged behind her tightly pressed lips, her jaw clenched in a futile effort to contain the surge of confessions threatening to spill forth. Yet, the truth, it seemed, could not be tamed.
"I’ve lied to you, Damon," she began, her voice a murmur against the quiet, her back against the wall offering her some sense of stability. "I lied when I said that I just needed your protection. The truth is, I’m going to need another tiny favor." Her admission was a whisper of vulnerability, her eyes briefly retreating to the floor before steeling once more to his gaze.
"That spell that’s going to get my immortality back... Well, it needs some blood." The hesitation in her voice was palpable, a testament to the uncertainty of her plea. "it needs my blood when I was a vampire. So basically, yours, since it’s my blood that turned you." The confession hung between them, a fragile truth laid bare. Katherine had intended to reveal this only after rekindling their former passion, hoping a moment of weakness might sway him. But as the reality of their situation set in, with passion remaining an unbridged chasm, she saw no point in delaying. To wait, she realized, was to risk Damon suspecting her motives and thinking she just planned to use him without disclosing the full truth. “see, I could have chosen this as my prize if I win our little game but I didn’t. I want it to be your choice. The way it always was.” She insisted, taking a step in his direction, her arms still hugging the pile of clothes as she leaned with her shoulder against the wall, mirroring his posture. “You’re free to say no, kick me out even.” She reminded bitterly with an eye roll. “but after you buy me the clothes though.” She added quickly, almost playfully as she attempted to lighten the air between them.

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Katherine's stance exuded her signature impatience, her weight resting predominantly on one leg, her arms folding in a near-defensive manner, and her head tilted in eager anticipation of the moment Damon's gaze would once again meet hers. As their eyes locked, the tension surged back forcefully, his response to her probing question hung in the air between them. Katherine's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing his words, gauging their sincerity as she bit the inside of her cheek in hidden regret; it pained her to hear what she already knew, that his loyalty no longer belonged to her. Still his words ringing with a semblance of truth she couldn’t ignore. She averted her gaze, landing on a random spot on the floor, her lips parting in a sigh as she meticulously chose her next words amidst the still-palpable tension.
When Damon countered with a question of his own, Katherine met his gaze once more, her curiosity piqued. However, as he continued, her initial scoff transformed into a look of realization—his inquiry was not mere curiosity but a deeper exploration into her feelings for him. Instantly her features sharpened as if downing a mask.
Despite her outward calm, Katherine felt a surge of panic. Damon was venturing into dangerous territories, and she was torn between drawing him closer and the necessity of pushing him away to avoid further heartache. "I guess I just don't like to be left hot and bothered." She shrugged. "Do you?" she finally retorted with a rhetorical edge, highlighting the simplicity of her answer. Their sexual desire was an ever-present undercurrent, that Katherine wouldn’t dare deny, she doubted even Damon would at this point, yet Katherine knew it was a superficial shield against the deeper interrogation she anticipated from Damon.
With a playful tap on his chest and a step that nearly closed the distance between them, Katherine's gesture added an intimate charge to the air. "Don't seek out heartbreak, Damon. Don't ask questions you don’t want answered," she cautioned, her smirk barely concealing the turmoil within. This frankness marked a departure from their usual dance of veiled intentions, yet Katherine rationalized it as self-preservation after acknowledging the shift in his loyalties. She felt a tug on her heart strings, faithfully wishing he wouldn’t believe her but rather that he’d be hesitant to probe further into the reality of his feelings for her. She could almost see herself from that night where she told him the answer to a question he dared ask; she lied the same way she did now.
As her touch slowly withdrew, her eyes lingered on his, a hint of regret shadowing her departure.
“I’m going to get the clothes.” She stated quietly, looking away.
Turning away, Katherine walked back towards the dressing room, her steps heavy with the intent to collect her belongings and perhaps, in doing so, gather the scattered pieces of her resolve.

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Her gaze was a complex mix of challenge and invitation. The air thrummed with tension as she silently willed him to reveal his next move, uncharacteristically careless to the long-term consequences it could hold. Yet a part of her dreaded the second he’d make a choice for it could be to step back and deprive her of the closure they shared in a moment too private to take place at such a public setting. It was as if she could see the wheels spinning in his head. The brunette could only imagine the struggle he was facing, the concept of loyalty being foreign to someone like Katherine Pierce. It was surely something she admired in Damon though, the unmatched loyalty he’d shown her for a century and a half, nothing less than remarkable and Katherine reasoned that this same trait might be the reason Damon rejects her advances one more time. His hand laid upon hers and Katherine could practically hear the words before he even pronounced them. Her smile had faded, and eyes followed their hands as he gently withdrew her touch from him, acceptingly she retreated, her hand on his chest sliding away. Jaw tightened and lips pressed together as the bitter taste of rejection filled her mouth quickly.
Damon stepped away and the chill immediately air kissed her bare skin, still she remained defiant as she stood in silence watching him until he drew the curtain shut separating them once more. Katherine sighed audibly, turning to the mirror as she eyed her reflection, contemplating the reasons for his decisions before aggressively grabbing the shirt she’d came in wearing, Elena’s ironically. Was it really morals that kept him away or was it her; Katherine refused to utter the name even in thought. It was for the best either way, casual was never going to work with so much history between she desperately reminded herself; Damon could be quite stubborn and obsessive, that combination was deadly for someone on the run, despite the current need for his protection.
Despite her attempts, she remained bothered; Katherine knew that she would have been disappointed if Damon had chosen differently but the truth was that, that’s exactly why she wanted him to choose differently. Their time together proved just the hold he still had on her heart so maybe seeing that he was no longer the man that once fell for would suffice erasing the lingering feelings, but reality stared her back in the face; he remained unchanged, the same Damon that had captivated her heart, despite the harder shell she’d grown to desire and in this realization, her frustration grew.
Dressed once more, Katherine reemerged, her eyes instantly seeking him out. Her approach was deliberate, each step a blend of determination and challenge. "Why not?" she demanded, halting before him, her intense gaze bored into him, daring him to answer or maybe even skip; in both cases she’d win, either an explanation or a step closer to a kiss he won’t be able to avoid as it was her prize. “it’s my turn, remember?”

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Locking eyes again lasted no longer than a second before his gaze drifted lower, heavy with unspoken desires, drifted over her form with an intensity that reignited long-dormant sensations within the brunette, she could all but see the images dancing in his mind.
Her lips curved upwards in victory as she eyed him, absorbing the raw need in his eyes mirroring her own better concealed one, the silent exchange charged with a shared hunger too potent to ignore.
The brunette found herself admiring his momentarily surrender to the part of himself that still craved her, capturing the way his teeth trapped his lower lip, reflecting what she could only assume was an inner struggle debating his next move. Katherine knew he couldn’t deny it now but neither could she, despite her reluctance to acknowledge any deeper emotion towards Damon, the raw sexual hunger between them was undeniable and Katherine took pride in knowing that nothing her Damon could share with Elena would ever come close to that.
Boldly she stared back, shamelessly ignoring the many eyes that could gaze at her through the wide-open curtains, all of her attention dedicated to the blue eyes undressing her further with insatiable need.
Damon's approach, swift and deliberate, sent a jolt of anticipation through Katherine. Her heart skipped, and she reflexively retreated, a blend of fear and exhilaration surging through her. Yet, this fear was quickly eclipsed by a more primal need, heightened by Damon's overt possessiveness. It was an ache she found increasingly difficult to suppress upon observing his protective stance, his body a shield against all prying eyes but his own.
Katherine's thoughts were scattered, her initial question forgotten as she caught the subtle crack in Damon's voice. Her gaze briefly wandered to the red top in her hand, but his last whisper pulled her back, reducing the space between them even more. Despite being the one with significantly less clothes, in this moment, Damon was utterly exposed, his desire laid bare in a way she hadn't seen since her return. The mere revelation was intoxicating.
With a deliberate last step forward, Katherine pressed her scarcely dressed torso flush against his and let the clothes she held fall to the floor with a dismissive ease. Freeing her hands that gingerly positioned themselves, one found his chest and the second raced to the nape of his neck, fingers weaving through his hair as she whispered in return, "If you go there, there's no going back, Damon." Rising on her toes, their lips hovered inches apart, breaths mingling. "No one will ever know."
Katherine knew that Damon was fully aware, she’d never let him live it down if he broke that last barrier and cheated on his girlfriend with her, but at that point and with how much she’d pulled out of him, she wasn’t sure how much of that was on his mind in such a moment.

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Katherine's gaze meticulously deciphered the cascade of emotions flickering across his features—a rapid succession of curiosity, surprise, and a swelling tide of anger that ebbed into a deceptive calm. A subtle tension gripped her jaw, her lips forming a thin line as he voiced his reasoning for sparing her life, a thinly veiled reminder of how he had the physical upper hand. Internally, Katherine steeled herself, vowing retribution for these moments of vulnerability the second she reclaimed her immortality.
Once released from his grasp, she instinctively rubbed her neck, her other hand finding place against his chest for balance as well as a discrete need for physical touch as she coughed lightly. Despite the lack of pain, the sensation of his hand around her neck wasn’t exactly pleasant in such a context, despite the tension it created.
His fingers tilting her chin up, forcing eye contact, ignited an undeniable spark in her brown eyes captured by his, elevating the already palpable sexual tension. "Right," Katherine retorted with a heavy dose of sarcasm, grasping the unspoken message: Damon still played the charade of wishing her gone, fuelling her resolve to prove him mistaken.
Her observant eyes followed his gaze downward, clearly aiming for the blouse she almost completely forgot about. Her raised eyebrows silently sought his verdict, which was promptly delivered. The urge to dismiss his comment with a scoff was quashed the moment his fingertips grazed her lower lip, sending a shiver down her spine and bringing Katherine a step further into succumbing to her desires. “Somehow, I agree.” She whispered her agreement as Damon withdrew his touch.
Before she could escalate the situation, possibly making him reconsider his stance, Damon had already distanced himself, returning to the couch. Katherine's response was an eye roll and a coy tilt of her head. "What? You’re not going to help me out of it?" she teased with a hand to her hip. “fine.” With a playful shrug, she proceeded to remove her blouse, revealing a lacy black bra underneath, indifferent—or perhaps provocatively aware—of the attention her semi-nude form might attract through the open curtain, leaving her exposed body a magnet to all wandering eyes and not just those of her fake boyfriend.
Standing before the mirror, Katherine adjusted her hair, draping it elegantly over her shoulders. She gingerly repositioned the bra strap that had slipped off her shoulder while undressing.
“so..” She began, adopting a tone of playful confidence only Katherine Pierce could pull off while being half naked in a store. She held up two hangers, each bearing a different blouse. "Cherry red or dark blue?" she inquired with a deliberate pout, her stance and gaze challenging him to divert his attention to anything but her, let alone make a mundane choice between blouses.

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either way, it was too late to back down now. "a 145 years and you still couldn’t see through me? I was provoking you, Damon.” Her words, laced with bitterness revealed as if blaming him for being too blind to her true intentions. Her clawing hands held a tight grip on his forearm but relaxed in their desperate search for release
“I knew that if I broke your heart you’d run straight to precious Elena and act stupid. Knowing she’d reject you too, I was hoping you’d take her out for me, but instead little Gilbert showed up and well, you know the rest.” She recounted.
"You knew I cared for you, you knew i loved you." she continued, defiance in her tone, refusing to offer the apology Damon might have expected as she spoke through gritted teeth. She was shifting the blame over in typical Katherine fashion.
“you knew, cause I told you. Over and over again.” Katherine blamed. “I told you after each night of passion we had in 1864, even after I came back i told you through each time I called to check up on you.” She insisted willing him to see her point. “you can ask Stefan, he never got those.” She scoffed, highlighting the irony in Damon's jealousy even teasing him with it. “you didn’t think I cared when I brought you back the cure instead of skipping town the second I got free?”
“or when I gave up on the one true chance of actually killing Klaus to save your life.” She recalled, a rare honesty as she recounted the tight plan they had devised to end the Hybrid. A plan that would have gained Katherine her freedom. the Petrova’s heart was racing, she wasn’t sure Damon knew of the details she was providing or if Stefan had ever told him but at that point it didn’t matter as she reminded him of times she’d showed him that she cared; She needed to get some things off her chest just as much as he needed to. “so who’s the liar now?” she challenged, daring the Salvatore to accuse her once more of not caring.
She gulped, eyes drifting to his lips, suddenly glad for the hand around her neck as it protected her of the inevitable result of acting on her desire, the sexual tension of the whole situation seeping deeper into her. Forcefully she tore her eyes away from his lips and back to his eyes as she steered the conversation back to the critical decision at hand. “none of this matters now.” She stated, breathing heavily as her anger subsided. “what does matter is that again it’s your choice to make; are you going to kill me or will you let me live.” Katherine asked, her voice a heavy whisper as she began to feel lightheaded. A long second passed and Katherine spoke again, terrified of the decision Damon was about to make, reminding him of her fragile state. “as much as I’m enjoying this right now, I’m almost sure it’s going to bruise.” She whispered breathlessly, her words bordering on sarcasm while being completely true.

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