
Farhan Iqbal

Ask @farhaniqbal1

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Here’s why I can’t be religeous. Religion says this is the truth... because god says so. Science says we don’t know the truth but we find evidence and facts to support our claims. Maybe one day we will find out that god exists but for now let’s follow the evidence. 1/


Should every human being seek to constantly improve themselves?

Yes, self-improvement is a very fulfilling experience. Try it, if you haven't already.

AoA How can I help a friend, that's suffering for years. Being used bcs they're to nice. Treated unjustly, just having hardships after hardships since years, to point now where they say that god has nothing good planned for them and they prefer dying? That god is punishing them and think they r bad?

Wa Alaikum As-Salam! Being used and treated unjustly is a sign that he/she does not understand some things about human behavior. He/she may have been involved with toxic people which can truly lead to some misery. The way to help them is to help them learn human behavior and relationships. There are good books out there and also good podcasts that discuss these things. Find one, share it with them. If the situation gets bad, I suggest considering professional help like a therapist who can more specifically diagnose the issue and help them more directly to their needs.

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Under Islamic law, I cannot marry another man. So do I choose to be unhappy or do I choose to ruin my life. Murrabi sahib this was a heartfelt question. I understand that you might not answer this because you have an image to keep but this is my truth. This is my last resort.... Wassalam... 6/

Does your impression that your parents will disown you come from your understanding of their attitudes or from what you have read online? What I'm saying is that what if your parents are more understanding and are able to help you in your situation, instead of disowning you. You assumed something untrue about me thinking that I won't answer your question because I have "an image to keep". So, what if you are also assuming things about your parents?
Regardless, if your parents disown you, they would be acting against the teachings of Islam. So, I earnestly hope they don't do that.
As per your question, I think you haven't fully understood what sin really is. In Islam, we have something called "Jihad of the self" - a Jihad against our own selves. I will give you some examples to illustrate:
1. Not waking up for Fajr early in the morning on time, is sinful. But who wants to wake up 4:30 AM? It's a Jihad (a struggle) against the self to wake up at that time.
2. Wearing modest clothes especially for girls is a requirement. Not wearing modest clothes is sinful. Hence, it is a Jihad against the self to adhere to this even when we don't want to.
3. Having an intimate relationship is only allowed within the confines of marriage. But a person's natural desire may be that he wants to be free and have intimate relationships with multiple women before choosing one, or never choosing one at all. Hence, it is Jihad of the self to confine ourselves to what Islam requires.
4. Offering all daily prayers in congregation is a Jihad... reading the Holy Quran every day without missing is a Jihad... serving others is a Jihad... going to Africa to dig wells under the Humanity First scheme is a Jihad; who wants to leave the comfort of their homes to exhaust themselves in a remote part of Africa or Pakistan or some other nation? It is a Jihad!
5. By extension, every human endeavour that leads to positive, good results is a Jihad in some form. The social distancing that we are practising these days is not at all natural. Human beings WANT to be closer to others. But what do we do for the sake of our health? We sacrifice and we follow medical advice, and this is a Jihad. Exercising, walking, lifting weights, etc. are things that we may not want to do but we do it for our health.
Likewise, in your case, your Jihad is to sacrifice your desires and try to follow the Islamic lifestyle. That doesn't mean you cannot talk about your challenge with anyone else. You can talk about it with your parents or other trusted people. Or, you can even ignore all of my advice and choose to live an independent life. But if you want to follow the Jama'at's teachings, this would be your Jihad.
And this doesn't mean that others have it easier than you. All of us have our own Jihads to engage in. This one is yours. With good intentions, prayer, perseverance, and support from family/friends, I sincerely believe you will be fine. But the choice is yours.

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I know our motto is love for all hatred for none but what will happen to me when I come out the closet? I certainly won’t be embraced... now I have to choose... do I live a fake life to make my parents happy and not marry another man or do I be honest and ruin my entire life... 5/


My entire life was based around Islam ahmadiyyat. I’ve been spending day and night studying for the mcat. But i don’t even know if this is what I want anymore. Eventually, I’ll have to come out and tell everyone I’m gay. My parents will disown me.. Everyone in the jamaat will ostracize me. 4/


As I’ve been going through high school and puberty, something changed within me which has gotten to the lowest point of my life... I realized I’m gay... without getting too much into the details... I feel like my life is ruined... I write this crying. Idk what to do. 3/


Alhamdolilah. My parents always wanted me to go in the field of medicine and become a doctor so they always kept me involved in Humanity First. I’m currently on my path to become a doctor. All this is to say that I have been heavily involved in the jamaat my entire life


Dear murrabi sahib, I’m writing this to you as a last resort... My parents are very religeous ahmadis that put me in the waqfenau scheme before I was born. As a result, I have been involved in jamaat my whole life. I don’t remember a single week where I haven’t gone to the mosque in my life 1/

Assalaamo Alaikum! Continued.

AoA, Murabbi sb, Can you marry your cousin who is your mums sisters daughter and also your dads brothers daughter aswell? So like rly direct? Is it allowed in islam and any harms?

Wa Alaikum As-Salam! It's allowed.
+1 answer Read more

AoA, Hope you are doing well! In Afterlife, Do kids reunite with parents who gave birth or with parents who raised up from new born to even getting them married? And are they considered the real family in afterlife then?

Wa Alaikum As-Salam! Whoever you consider your family, they will be there. What would heaven even mean if our family is not there?
Liked by: zain

How Jesus (as) alive for 2000 yrs goes against the laws of nature but Jesus (as) birth was justified through laws of nature? Moreover, his miracles of revival from dead?

Having a virgin birth is something seen and observed in nature. But being alive for 2000 years in the sky (outer space?) is not observed or seen in the universe. So, these two things are very different. Miracles are also understood from that perspective. For instance, the miracle of reviving people from the dead is basically a revival of people who are CLOSE to or NEAR death through prayer.
Liked by: Sohaib Lavender

I mean yes I do want to help other people but that dosent necessarily mean I need to do it by following the traditional path of becoming a doctor/engineer/lawyer etc. Like if I can have some type of platform as a pianist I could use it to promote ahmadiyyat or even just giving money is another way..

Hmm... Ok.
+6 answers in: “Are ahmadis allowed to work in arts? I really want to and excel at playing on the piano and would like to do it as a full time career or even a part time business. Jazakallah!”

Don’t you think we should let our youth diversify the fields they work in?

Yeah, but there are some professions that are more encouraged than others. Plus, there has to be a limit somewhere. What if someone wants a "field" like opening a bar or something immoral? We can't accept everything in the name of diversification.
+6 answers in: “Are ahmadis allowed to work in arts? I really want to and excel at playing on the piano and would like to do it as a full time career or even a part time business. Jazakallah!”

Do Ahamdis "celebrate" Dhul-Hijja and should we be fasting for the 9 days leading up to Eid as said?

Celebrate in what sense? There is Eid and we do celebrate it. Not sure what you mean. Could you kindly elaborate? As per fasting, it's voluntary and there is no harm in doing that.

When we pay Chanda/financial sacrifices, is it wrong to claim them to insurance companies and get money back for it, since that Chanda is not really a sacrifice if we’re getting money back from insurance for it?

I'm not sure how this works. Could you elaborate?

After paying the hisa wasiyat of ur earnings? 2

This is because wasiyyat is not a tax. It is wealth spent in the way of Allah. It is not to be measured. We spend whatever we are given in the way of Allah, and as many times as possible in the way of Allah. Besides, in your example, your talking about a property purchased with income on which wasiyyat has already been given. But properties appreciate in value over time. In some cases, properties triple in value. So, even if it was that strictly measured, wasiyyat would still be due on this NEW source of income. In any case, spending in the way of Allah is not "measured" the way taxes are measured.
+4 answers Read more

Salam, if Im a mosy, and I’m earning a certain amount, and I pay the hisa wasiyat from that earning and the rest of the money I keep for myself And if from that money, I buy a property then why do i have to pay hisa wasiyat for the property since its already being bought from the money 1

Salaam. Continued.

Why does God create disabled people?

Suffering has a purpose. Also, it is not "Created"; it is allowed. For instance, light is created; shadows are not created. Shadows represent the absence of light. Similarly, suffering represents absence of health. Health and life are created by God.
In some cases, suffering is a trial from God; in some cases, it is man-made; in yet others, it is a form of "ibrat" - lesson for others. Anyways, this is a BIG question and I recommend that you read this chapter which discusses all these aspects:
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Are ahmadis allowed to work in arts? I really want to and excel at playing on the piano and would like to do it as a full time career or even a part time business. Jazakallah!

It's definitely not encouraged. Wouldn't you want a profession where you are helping people in some way?
+6 answers Read more

Is there any person you are afraid of?

No, we should never be afraid of people. Instead, we should fear the displeasure of Allah.


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