
Farhan Iqbal

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Why don’t ahmadis fight back? Maybe if we fought back in Pakistan people would stop coming after us.... is that why we just fled to other countries because we couldn’t defend ourselves?

"Fighting back" is against Islamic teachings. The Holy Prophet (sa) did not fight back against the Qureish while in Mecca. This is because fighting back has the danger of creating disorder in the land and causing loss of innocent lives. Islam tells us not to fight unless it is to defend our lives. In the case of Pakistan, the state is not actively coming after Ahmadis. We are persecuted and oppressed but the government is not actively trying to kill Ahmadis. We can, of course, defend ourselves and our Mosques and other properties in Pakistan are heavily guarded. But the persecution we face does not mean that we become the aggressors and inciters of violence.

Do you think learning self defense is important for ahmadi youth? The same way we defend our beliefs with our words. Don’t you think we should know how to defend ourselves physically?

Yeah sure. I think it's important.

AoA I read about the event of Ibn Sayyad him being called the dajjal and Ad-Dukh. When we think about the dajjal we do say it won't literally be a person. It is metaphorically but from this event it seemed like the dajjal can be a person. As saw never denied or confirmed sayad being dajjal. Our pov?

Wa Alaikum As-Salam! The Promised Messiah (as) repeatedly brought up this narration in his debate with Muhammad Hussain Batalwi. If the Holy Prophet (sa) allowed the possibility of Ibn Sayyad as the Dajjal and even did not deny when Hazrat Umar (ra) said this in front of him, how can the OTHER narrations about the Dajjal be taken literally? This is because Ibn Sayyad did not have one eye, did not have a donkey with one leg in the east and one leg in the west, did not have K-F-R written on his forehead, and so on. If NOT having all these other characteristics still led to the possibility of him being Dajjal, what about the literalistic interpretations of Sunni scholars of today?
The bottom line is: Prophecies about the Dajjal should not be taken literally. They are all metaphorical; the interpretation about Ibn Sayyad notwithstanding.
[Side note: Those situations where the Holy Prophet (sa) does not DENY a statement made in front of him are called HADITH-E-TAQRIR because they are a silent affirmation of the statement. Otherwise, we cannot conceive of the Prophet (sa) NOT denying a WRONGFUL statement]

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Are we supposed to believe in dreams? I think I used to believe in dreams for a very long time but lately I feel like the dreams I get don't have the outcome one would expect. I think I have lost my belief in dreams.

The subject of dreams is complex. Not every dream is supposed to be fulfilled the way we perceive it. There are many factors involved.
I suggest that, if possible, try to read Haqeeqatul Wahi. The Promised Messiah (as) has discussed dreams and how to differentiate between true and false dreams in this book.

I'm really sad I'm 25 it took me 5 years to graduate & I dont like the course I studied. I dont have a job especially cuz of Corona I stopped looking. I feel so behind like I lost my skills knowledge, confidence to do any job or be social. I dont know what I like want as a career

I'm not sure what your career is, and I'm no expert in giving career advice. But I can tell you one thing: Despair is not the way to go. Be optimistic, just in the month of June 2020, 1 million jobs were added to the Canadian economy... not sure where you are from, but it gives you an idea that things will eventually get back to normal. Don't worry.
Liked by: Sohaib Rabeel Ahmed

what do we say in response to someone who says jazakallah to us?

There is no specific response, but since it's a prayer meaning "Allah bless you", you can say "Ameen".

can women freeze their eggs?

It depends on the reasons. For instance, if a woman is unable to bear children, and has to freeze her eggs in order for a medical procedure that eventually makes it possible for her to have children through the sperm of her husband, I can see that such a possibility is allowed.
But if it's done for other purposes, it may not be allowed. It depends on the intention. I'm not sure what your specific case is, but if you require a firm decision, you can reach out to Khalifatul Masih or write to Darul Iftaa to get a definitive answer based on your circumstances.
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why doesnt jamaat have a worldwide rishta nata system so it's not just limited to by country. E.g. no good suitors in US so I want to look in Germany but how can i do this if I am not a german citizen

This is because of privacy concerns. Try asking the rishta nata department in your country to connect you with the country in which you seek a rishta. Perhaps they could help you.
+2 answers Read more

please post links to vids or quran quotes on what is allowed during engagement period before nikkah and ruksti, i cant find anthing online

Prior to Nikah, keep the communication to a bare minimum, and plan to have Nikah done as soon as possible.

That is not how evolution works. We are not decedents of monkeys. Both simply have a common ancestor going back a few million years ago. Humans are the final product of guided evolution by God (ashraful makhluqat).

Yes. Jazak Allah!
+1 answer in: “How can we say that we aren’t animals. Like literally all out behaviours can be found in other animals. I don’t get our perspective on evolution. Like come on.... man wasn’t made from clay, we are descendants of monkeys!!”

between important issues that feminists argue for, but do you think Islam already has answers to them? Do you feel like feminism should have a monopoly on defining women's rights or is Islam sufficient as a path that guarantees equality of sexes? (Referring to Chapter 4: Verse 124 of Holy Quran) 2/2

Yeah, I believe there is some overlap as sometimes culture works against Islam in traditionally Muslim nations. But I think there is any need to take on the title, "Muslim feminist".
Nevertheless, Islam is sufficient. The challenge is not in the "reformation of Islam". The challenge is in the "reformation of Muslims".
Liked by: SA

Do you think women need to call themselves a "Muslim Feminist" if Islam has already encouraged women's rights for 1000+ years? I understand that in many Muslim societies, some men do oppress women but they are in complete opposition to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. I do believe that is some overlap 1/2


There is this Hadith about how it’s sinful to even carry alcohol in one home or sell it in a store even if one is not consuming it. With this logic, would it be wrong if I sold an immodest dress online for profit. Like buying it for less than retail and then reselling it?

Immodest is a relative term; I'm not sure what you mean. There are dresses Muslim women can wear in front of their husbands or close family but when they go out, they should do purdah.
+1 answer Read more

Asalamoalaikum. Can you please explain "final and temporal decree" in simple words

Wa Alaikum As-Salam! Are you quoting from somewhere?

If you could visit anywhere on holiday where would you go?

I have already visited many parts of the world. But I guess if I get the chance, I would like to visit Spain and Portugal.
Liked by: Sohaib

if pakistan's jamaat cant hold jalsas, where does the jalsa chanda go that is collected from members there?

There are some preparations made for Jalsa every year in Pakistan, as anticipation for getting the permission to hold it one day.
I'm not from Pakistan, but if you are from there, you can speak to a Majlis-e-Shura representative from your Jama'at and ask them about it.
Liked by: Anas Majeed
+2 answers in: “Do we still have to give jalsa salana chanda even though jalsa is cancelled this year?”

How to be patient? I know patience is key. I have been going through a tough time for months and have been praying a lot. Unfortunately because of depression I tend to lose patience at times. How can one learn to be more patient?

If you are facing depression, I suggest that you speak to a professional or a doctor about it. Not to get any pills necessary. But to discuss coping mechanisms to help cope with, and eventually, overcome depression. Allah be with you. Ameen.

If you could some up your day is there anything good or bad you have done yesterday? ⭐️

I have started a gratitude journal and that's a good thing. Al-Hamdolillah! All praise belongs to Allah.

How can we say that we aren’t animals. Like literally all out behaviours can be found in other animals. I don’t get our perspective on evolution. Like come on.... man wasn’t made from clay, we are descendants of monkeys!!

Do animals speak a language like humans? The thing that sets human beings apart from all other creatures is language. The Promised Messiah (as) has spoken of this in his books.
And language was revealed to human beings by God Almighty, and the original revealed language is Arabic.
+1 answer Read more

Did the Holy Prophet (saw) actively take part in fighting during the battles in his lifetime. And following on from this did the Holy Prophet (saw) injure or kill anyone on the battle field?

He has taken part in battles, but there is no SAHIH Hadith that mentions him actually killing anyone. However, there are historical narrations that mention at least one person. I don't know how authentic they are. Allah knows best.
Liked by: Sohaib

If ppl go through spiritual highs and lows, when someone is in a low is it ok to take a break from namaaz if they feel like it’s not impacting them/it feels like it’s just movements? I’m not sure if things like this are allowed since you’ll feel the guilt of “sinning” for missing namaaz purposely.

Even if you feel low, continue to offer Namaz, even as a habit. Human behaviour - almost entirely - is based on habits. Giving up a good habit is easy, but forming it again is hard. Hence, even if you are feeling low, keep up the good habit. Eventually, it will help you improve in your spirituality.
Liked by: Sohaib Gggssdhnbv

Are Ahmadi men allowed to do solo modeling for brands? Nothing involving women or anything unethical and/or inappropriate.

Modelling involves posing for photographs in such a way that you look attractive to others, especially to the opposite sex. Hence, I don't find it Islamic.


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