

Ask @fayetesseyman_

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So your realated to mark hampson aswell?

Not exactly he's Ryan's grandads brothers grandson and Ryan's my second cousin so work it out
Liked by: Rhiannon

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I just found out actually? only i needed to make sure I've got all y facts right. Cause unlike some, I like to know what I'm talking about? repartition must be your favourite cause you used 'babe' more than once? bye 'babe'???

Pretty sure I know what I'm talking about as it's about me ? Oh shit I used a word more than once ?funny how you don't say this to me and hide behind anon
Liked by: Rhiannon Jamie Hill

Your the one who said it first, I'm sticking up for a friend. And I'm not even gonna carry on, cause your boring me? I hope you can sort the past out, not like it was 3-4 months ago or anything???

Thing is babe it was sorted out ? which is the point, probes you know fuck all. I find it really cute how you count how long people have been broken up for is your life really that boring babe?
Liked by: Rhiannon

What I mean is, your arguing with someone who knows more than you think they do... And the funny thing is your going along with a lie? Jokes on you tbf? and no I don't intend on knowing your business cause I think I'd fall asleep??

You don't know my business that's the point babe. Really don't see how it's jokes on me tbh when everyone says it. I'm arguing with "someone" who knows more than I think?? But you really can't know that much atall... Come of anon and "argue" with me properly instead of hiding and pretending you know it all. It's really boring I know what happened with me and Connor and really don't see what it has to do with anyone except me and him but you brought the hole situation back up again.
Liked by: Rhiannon

You can hardly say I don't know the facts considering I think I know what I'm saying. And if I remember rightly you dumped him? And what you got told clearly has nothing to do with me, but you've believed a lie, and look where that's got you??

Exactly it has nothing to do with you. What is that supposed to mean look where it's got me ? Well you clearly don't know what you're saying as there's other parts to this that I don't really think I should tell people because it has fuck all to do with them so you wouldn't know .
Liked by: Rhiannon

Then you clearly got told bullshit, cause babe notbing happend with them? and this is in the past and your not even with Connor so what exactly is you point???

What do you mean what is my point yeah it's the past and I believe what i got told seriously get the facts right. You're saying you know the full story but you really don't.
Liked by: Rhiannon

Not being funny but I think you have over thought the day Jess and Charlie met up with their(friends)It may have been something Connor said, but can't have been something Connor did bc nothing happened with them and they didn't like each other at that point???

Okay not being funny you know absolutely fuck all about what happened with me and Connor. I never said Connor did or said anything did I ? I had no problem with him meeting up with friends like that day it's what I got told and what had been discussed between me and him.
Liked by: Rhiannon Jamie Hill

I'm already aware of the full story thankyou, so why exactly were you annoyed?

You're defo not considering I have only told 2 people what pissed me off so come off on anon or pop up
Liked by: Rhiannon

Meaning? Connor was there with Charlie and Sophie was there with Jess, because Jess and Charlie were getting together. At no point were Sophie and Connor meating up in that way, they were just there as friends and nothing more?

Oh god pop up and know the full story of why I got annoyed before you start
Liked by: Rhiannon

What happened when you and Connor were together? Sophie and Connor wern't even speaking at that point I don't think?

They didn't exactly have to be? pop up? ...
Liked by: Rhiannon


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