

for my future wedding, I would love to invite you dressed as morgiana and dance for us!

Oh, I'd love to! Sadly, I'm not really trained in dance. I did get my sister to teach me some simple ballet moves for my Morgiana walk-on though.

Latest answers from Firecloak

If you could travel back in time for one day .. At what era you would like to return? Some point in your past?

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If it's in my lifetime, I'd like to go back to my high school days. I really miss my friends from back then!

Who was your favorite character to play as ?

To cosplay as? I really do like cosplaying as Morgiana (her default) since it's comfortable and has short hair. I also like cosplaying as Kikyo, since I get a lot of attention for her.

Well I enjoyed the Holo set and thought it was well done and very tasteful.

Thank you!!! I'm glad you think so. I worked really hard for those photos xD. Lots of mosquito bites after that shoot...

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