
Fries Chicken

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Last thing you cried about?

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Finding out stuff that I didn't believe was possible as well as being lied to and used again by somebody that I used to consider more than a friend but once again I was used for warm body and all not showing back up to finish helping me out and giving me the ride you know to take care of bills that are very important and to grab something to eat and chicken feed and all that because I've been out of everything and need a lot of things and was told I just had to be patient but yet here it is days later I'm so sick and tired of that skateboarding man destroying me and lying to me. So that's what I cried about lately the last thing is him and the crap he's doing to me and now I've got to get up and figure things out myself I have everything else I can figure out taking care of except the way to get the stuff to get the money because I cannot haul scrap iron on a taxi or a mini bike.

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