Kenal mas hosi ga mas? Kalo papasan salam yaa dari secret admirer :)
Oh iya banyak yg minta salam, dia ganteng bgt kayak morgan smes
Ngga, kkn ada yang dibaperin ga? Kasih tau dong satuuu aja :)
Waduuuh kan rahasia mas
Yes it is
If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?
Reject it
What’s the best way to learn a new language?
A lot of music, articles, movie, etc For movies : Watch a ton of movies that use the language u want to learn, and then search subtitles of ur language or english maybe, and then just watch it with sometimes hear the language Repeat the process... Its not the formal way but for me its very effective Hope its helpful!