
Kevin Gibbs

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How do I get over my fear of asking someone out? Im not afraid of the rejection. As weird as it sounds im terrified of them saying yes. I dont know what to do after that, what to say, where to take them. I rather hide. Does anyone suffer from this? Im so lost. I am a man and I know i can get a “yes”

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Easy! Have them write down a list of all their favorite places, throw them all in a bucket & then randomly pick a place every time you feel like your social battery can handle going out
I am a man too & that was the most confusing shit i’ve ever read I almost popped a vein trying to understand, how do you wanna ask someone out but scared of them to say yes ? Is it more of a thing where you want that person but when you get that person you don’t wanna mess things up between each other & if you do mess up you’re afraid you won’t be able to have that person anymore after that ? If so you just have to go for it life’s too short to dwell or procrastinate on things we want in life .. just go for it if it was meant to be they would accept you & work w you despite flaws

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