

Ask @goingtomedschool

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I was academically dismissed my freshman year of undergraduate (I'm a sophomore now, first semester). I'm really striving for all A's right now. I'm taking classes at a community college at the moment, but at the end of the semester i'm going back to the university. I really believe I can get all A'

Looks like your question got cut off. But if you are asking if you have a chance of getting into medical school...yes but you will have to explain yourself. I recommend taking upper level science classes at a university after you are done with the community college classes because medical schools are going to want to see that you can handle challenging material. You will also have to explain your dismissal and hopefully you have a good reason :) The best way to explain an event that caused your downfall is to have clear evidence that you have natured academically and emotionally so that the school will have no doubt this will happen again

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do you recommend the certificate program? First time hearing about it in your blog.

Yes, many of my friends who did it are in med school now. Definitely a good choice if you are willing to work hard.

Is there any medical college in USA which takes admission directly without an interview for international students? TOFEL is still required if I studied all Bsc of nursing Curriculum in english in my country?

Every school has a different policy regarding interviews. Yale, for example, will have you do an interview if alumni live in your country, and not do an interview if no alumni are there. http://admissions.yale.edu/applying-yale-international-student#interviews
The TOFEL requirement depends on the school; at Mount Sinai for example, you would not have to take the TOFEL since your degree was taught in English. http://icahn.mssm.edu/education/graduate/public-health/admissions/international-students
Sorry that I can't be more specific but the policies differ from school to school.
List of schools that accept international students: http://premedusa.blogspot.com/2014/06/US-Medical-Schools-for-Internationals-Updated.html

I'm a nurse from Saudi Arabia with Bsc in nursing (the program was in English) and one year experience . I want to become a physician , what's the requirement if that's possible?

You can apply to medical school in the United States. Here is an overview of the process: https://www.aamc.org/students/aspiring/303912/applyasaninternationalapplicant.html
However, most medical schools only accept US citizens and permanent residents.
There are a few schools that accept foreign applicants but many have restrictions (such as you must have done 1 year of study at a US school, etc)
Here is a list of schools that accept international students: http://premedusa.blogspot.com/2013/05/medical-schools-admitting-internationals.html?m=1
It is difficult to get in as this page explains. Check each school's website to confirm they accept international students and to determine if their requirements have changed.

Thought I did well on the first PHIS test, but I got a B. I don't know where to start changing my study habits...

Don't stress!
1) go over the test with Feher
2) identify what type of questions you missed (insane details? math? application of knowledge to those ridiculous situations they come up with?)
3) try making fake potential test questions for yourself
4) don't stress because the people who usually make As are the PhD students anyways so you're doing well!

How did you study for the second BIOC test during CERT?

Who is the prof? I can't remember and they sometimes change order.

Thanks so much. Did you find old PHIS test (pre 1995 tests on BB) helpful?

I used them to test my understanding we used to do them in study group as a means of spawning discussion and leading our group on a focused direction. But like for the respiratory test the questions aren't like that AT ALL. Can't overstate the value of studying the lectures intently

I was able to answer my own questions! Thanks. First PHIS test is next week, #sooverwhelmed!!! Tips, more advice...

Don't focus on PHIS and get behind in other classes. Just keep revising until it is all memorized and you will be okay. The first test will help you know how much to memorize in the future

Trying to stay on top of things in CERT! It's a lot! I don't know if you remember the cell signaling lecture with Dr. F, but are we suppose to remember every single detail of each pathway? It's A LOT of things to memorize.

Was this the pathway with paths labeled 1.7.1 and stuff? Send me a pic of it so I can make sure

Thank you for answering all these questions! really appreciate it.

You're welcome! Start a study group to keep you focused :)

Are the test for PHIS and BIOC mostly memorization then? I will try my best to attend all 0800 courses!!

You must attend all classes! Don't slack! And yes just like med school lots of memorization. Lots of small details unlike undergrad

Hello there, I am just starting CERT. For PHIS 501, should we memorize the eqns and scientists in the syllabus? The professor goes extremely fast and doesn't touch base on every thing in the syllabus. And for BIOC 503, how do you even study for the course?! Read the book?

Memorize lectures for biochem and what they tell you. Memorize syllabus for PHIS. Don't bother with scientists or those historical dates. Memorize equations for sure unless specifically told not to. You will get used to the pace. Read syllabus before class if you can't keep up...but still go to class lol

The first professor of BIOC 503 only uses overhead and is a tad disorganized.

Lol don't stress. You will have to get used to many different teaching styles
Liked by: Josh Malave

Will doing well in a postbacc (such as the VCU CERT) overcome your undergrad performance?

Yes! The only way to overcome your bad past unless you don't want to apply to US schools

Do they just let anybody into the CERT program?

They have requirements for minimum GPA and MCAT. Only about 80 people are in the program every year. If they only have 80 applicants I guess they let in everyone lol. But I'm guessing more than 80 apply. Their acceptance rate isn't posted. You can probably call and inquire

Is the CERT program doable?

Yes it is. Otherwise no one would finish and no one would get into med school or dental school. Best advice is suck it up and get it done. One year of your life in exchange for the chance to get into professional school!

What elective do you recommend?

I don't know your choices. If you are premed the school recommends histology


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