
Thomas Masterson

Ask @gunbladeproxy

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If you saw me streaking down your street, what would be your first thought?

justtay14’s Profile PhotoT.M.
Why is that person naked on the street???

What is your Instagram and twitter ?

My Instagram is gunbladewarrior and my Twitter is GunbladeProxy

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Have you ever run away from school lessons?

It has been decades since I have been in school, However, I think I haven't ran away from any school lesson,

If you could turn back time, would you do it? Why?

I would not do it because you never know how the timeline would change if you do something different in it.

Would you date a person who owns 10 dogs?

probably. I am sure that she has kept them under control.

Organic, natural, homeopathic vs junk food, fast food, pharmaceuticals ~ which is you

junk food I guess

Name one thing you dream about at night!

I can't remember any of my dreams so I have no idea what I what I have dreamed about.

Why do people say they don't care what people think about them but seem happy if someone call them beautiful

I have no idea.

What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you donot love them back? ?

interesting question. I think it would be tougher for me to tell someone that I love them. I'm not really good at expressing my feelings sometimes.


Language: English