
Nadya Brigita Lie

Ask @gustinadya

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Kak inces nnti klo kaka udh jdi dokter gigi boleh dong psng behelnya sma kk??

Hahahaha since when did I shift my career into dentistry?

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Sebutkan tiga negara yang ingin kamu kunjungi berikutnya?

Switzerland, Italy, New Zealand???❤️

Pendapat kamu tentang pacaran beda keyakinan?

I don’t know, in my opinion is only wasting your time, money, and energy, cause it doesn’t serve any purpose such as marriage
Liked by: Sonia nuzulurahmah

Kamu tipe yang malu difoto atau yang suka difoto?

Most of the times malu di foto HAHA, depends on my self-esteem level by the time pas aku mau difoto juga sih
Liked by: keisha Siluet

Hallo Nad mau nanya dong menurut kamu apa yang bikin seorang wanita terlihat cantik?

Personally from my point of view yang bikin a woman “captivating” bukan sekedar cantik aja, are their personality and a good heart, have a good head (way of thinking how they see life) and good sense of humor, cause mostly I’ve been living my life surrounded with thousands of pretty girls, and I bet you can tell as well between the pretty girls that has a good vibe and aura with the pretty girls that only just got their pretty faces, which you knew it will be super boring and uncomfortable being for too long around her because it’s gonna be all about her. Sama yang udah cantik, ramah dan care sama orang2 di sekitarnya, every second you spend with her will be so precious, and the good feeling after she left, still will be there, leaving a really good impressions to every single people she mets

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Liked by: C I T E

Kak gusti jujur deh suka ngejudge orang dari penampilannya ga sih kak? Soalnya aku orgnya judgmental paraaaah, dan aku tau kalo sebenernya being judgmental wont always right, right?

Aku akuin deh, aku orangnya bener2 see people through first impression, ya bisa dibilang judgmental paraah, kenapa aku gitu? Umpama nya kayak gini a good cover indicates that the book comes from good publisher that could at least hire a graphic designer. Does a decent publisher indicate good books? Not always, but it's something to be expected. Similarly, i believe that our appearance shows how we take care of ourselves. Jadi begituuu

Kaya kakaknya ka nadya bukan mamanya hehehe sama sama cantik! Gaul bgt mamamu kak diombre

Hampir 95% orang first impression ngeliat mamaku pasti ngiranya kakakku kok... Gaulan emaknya jauuuh daripada anaknya lol☹️

Mau nanya dong... gue udh pacaran 7thn. Tp KKN kmrn gue baper sm cowo. cowo nya deket jg sm cewe lain di kampus, tp doi jg suka sm gue pdhl tau gue udh ada pacar. kita ngerasa kaya gabisa bersatu gitu... trs skrg jauhan. Tp gue msh kepikiran doi melebihi pacar gue. gue harus ngejar doi apa gmn?

Kkn itu apa maksudnya? Tau doi suka sama lau darimana emang? Kalo cowo suka sama lo, logikanya itu cowo gabakalan deket sama cewe lain, bullshit banget cowo ngaku suka tapi masih kegatelan sana sini

(curhat) cowo aku tuh lebih mentingin kerjaan dri pada aku, oke lah dia tiap hr kerja pulang malem ak maklumin, tp weekend & holiday pun dia juga harus kerja dan bener2 gk pny wktu buat gw.. bukannya gw posesif tp ak harus gimana selain mengerti dia :"(

Why are you trying to change him into someone who treats you the way you'd like to be treated, instead of choosing to date someone who is already willing to treat you the way you'd like to be treated?
You want a certain amount of attention from your partner. This guy isn't willing to give you that much attention, jadi pilihan di kamu, adapt or move on

minta saran dng, jadi aku lagi nyamar jadi cewe lain buat jebak pacar aku. aku rayu" pacar aku dengan identitas cewe lain. nah, ternyata cowo ku juga responnya mesra gitu sama ni cewe.. ak harus gimana? labrak langsung atau jebak dulu? atau aku ngaku klo cewe itu aku?

Wah kamu udah kayak jadi host dikatakan putus aja...

kak apa ada kerugian pacaran sama cewe pinter?

She is also an alpha female
She can take care of herself financially
She can probably pay more of the bills than you
You will have to reset the archetypal markers of the relationship
She will be able to hold dinner conversations with your colleagues and friends better than you can
She'll outwit, outsmart, outdo you
Her IQ is likely to be higher than her EQ (they don't tend to be distributed equally)
She'll only settle for a man who is secure with himself
She will recognise there are many forms of intelligence
She still wants to be hugged, cuddled, and taken care of just like all women (and men!) in the world
She will struggle with finding a man that makes her happy and vice versa
But if you're that man? Man up soldier. She'll be worth it.


Language: English