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Thank you for your advice :) i think i found him :$ he's funny, sexy, speaks to me the most,... I think i'm in love with him :$ really thank you for your advice! You're the best!<3

your so welcome:*<3!

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someone wont beleive i like them what should i do

say ' i honestly like you, your..'
then say what you like! if they dont believe you they probably like you too and think its too good to be true:*<3

You haven't helped me or any of my friends, but i just thought i'd thank you for helping out the helpless, it's people like you who make humanity a beautiful race, good day to you sir!

aww thank you so much! this means a lot to me!
if you or any of your friends need help just let me know:*<3

that's the problem, i don't know who i like more :( i don't know a lot of guys i think ;s <3

go for the one who is,,
speaks to you the most
doesnt change infront of his friends
makes your happiness important
and looks are a bonus haha! just be happy please<3!

About four years ago i got involved with the wrong.people,fights,drugs,sex,smoking.and all..it all went bad and my best friend got mudered..i got into depression and started cutting,i take pills everyday still and my anorexia and bulemia is comming back,im covered in scars and i actually do is die.

be proud that youve sorted your life out, that must of been hard!
your bestfriend would want you to move on and be happy! dont think negative keep on the possitive side!
be strong, people care about you and need you to be<3
Liked by: Polish Devil

Part 3: so I guess that means that I say they're beautiful (and trust me, some of them are gorgeous) but I am noticing now for myself that I say that they are beautiful to a lot of girls. Is this okay? Am I really a flirt? Am I really leading them on? (ps I do kinda use innuendos alot :( )

you are a lovely person thats all! you dont mean bad by this you just give complements a lot!
maybe some of the girls are starting to like you? so be careful cause if they do and you wouldnt want to be with them make that clear because if you dont they will be lead on<3

Part 2: I guess it's in my nature that I'm a bit of a flirt but the anons keep thinking that I'm leading girls on then making them think I like them but I just want to be nice to them. I know that may sound cheesy and that this is all a lie, but I want to make them feel good in themselves...


Part 1: there are loads of girls who keep asking me on ask "do you like [name]" "you should get with [name]" and then when I say I don't want to, they keep heckling me about it and saying "you're such a flirt" "you just lead them on then drop them" but I never meant for anything to happen...


I really like this boy but he's got a girlfriend what should I do because I'm really close to him ??

still be close, maybe he will start to like you too? dont try to split them up because you two could maybe fall out? wait till they split cause it will happen and you will be there to pick up the pieces:)<3

OMG help! there are many guys who want to have a relationship with me but I'm not with them.. But there are many other guys that I personally like and I do not know who to choose.. They're all nice and sweet .. I do not know what to do.. HELP!

ive been in this situation to!
dont break any of their hearts so be open about it, is there anyone you like more?
how many guys are we talking about here?<3

ok thanks, but i would do stuff but i have a spot on my vag dont want him to see it x

do what makes you happy! your insecure about it so tell him to wait a few weeks then it should be gone<3

I sent a pic of my dic, and now i get hate for it because everyone says its not big no one will have sex with me :(

dont send pics babe, people are just going to joke about it! it will blow over soon just think 'fuck it im better than this' dont let them bring you down to their low life level<3!

Im in a relationship and i think hes a bit to full on for me, there is quite a age gap to, he asks me for loads and i dont want to do it but i really love him an i dont want him to end it because i wont do stuff

ive been in a relationship like this before..if he is full on you should tell him, if he really likes you he will wait! dont do something you might regret too, be careful he isnt using you darling because your worth more than that!<3

Because of you i have stopped cutting, thank you so much for your wonderful advice<3

that makes me feel so happy! im so glad! and no thank yourself because you wanted to stop so you did something about it, you are amazing<3!!

Thank you you're right i shouldnt be worried fuck it <3

yeah! and fuck him for making you feel like that<3!

I think I have deppression. I'm sad all the time, I hate myself and life. I feel as though my family hate me my friends hate me&so does everyone else. I sometimes cut because I'm neary 9 stone and look like a fucking whale! Also I'm really ugly so nobody fancys me and nobody will ever like me.

you are beautiful. your family DONT hate you. your friends DONT hate you. you have such a big future ahead and you will find someone who loves you for you! please dont cut? you will have unattractive scars and it could make you really sick! do this for yourself and stop?please promise me you will?<3

i can never seem to get a girlfriend and i have been single for 5 years but i don't know what i keep doing wrong i am really nice but never seem to get a girlfriend :(

get close to a few girls as a friend and then show them how amazing you are! they will appreciate honestly and attention<3

What do I do if he sends it though everyone will hate me I regret it :/

well you need to realize he hasnt yet so you shouldnt be worried! tell your closest friends so they will not take it as a shock! if they are true friends they will stand by you! people will say things but thats all! stay strong and think 'f*ck it, i can do what i want' when they realize everything will blow over!
my quote '' when you hit the bottom the only way to go is up''<3


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