

Ask @Henry_Pan

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Scale of 1 to 10 how crazy are u?

If any of you play Overwatch or Blizzard games in general you should add me. ?
Scale of 1 to 10 how crazy are u

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what is your favourite thing about where you live?

egoudreau15’s Profile PhotoEmilyy ❤️
Honestly that is a tough question because I don't live in AMAZING place. I guess the only thing I like is that I have generally quiet neighbors.
Liked by: Emilyy ❤️

What is the most awkward thing you've said to someone special?

Happy Birthday to me <3 As well as anyone else who is my birthday buddy.
Also can't forget about everyone's unbirthdays!
What is the most awkward thing youve said to someone special
Liked by: Emilyy ❤️

Do you curse out loud or in your head more?

Don't you just love when people tell transgenders to just embrace the gender they were born as and not to harm their body with changing it to be the other gender.
I am so frustrated. I met this really chill person yesterday and we were talking about how I identify as male. I don't mind talking about it at all. Then he goes on how taking testosterone is hurting my body and I should embrace who I am and not make my life a target for negativity by trying to be the opposite sex. I kept composed but no matter how many times I tried explaining that I am being who I am and that is a guy. He just couldn't quite wrap his head around it...I'm not mad at him for saying those things but he couldn't just respect my opinion. idk..this put me in a mood.
Liked by: sunny Sori

What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?

I'd like mankind to finally be accepting. I know this will never happen in my lifetime...but one can dream.

Awe hi there nerd.<3 I will fight those anons for you, you're an amazing person and I love you.<3 They're just fools, don't let them get to you.

I love you too Becca!!
Liked by: Trojo

Oh my god I feel horrible about all those anons sending hate to you. You don't deserve any of this. I feel like crying after I read all of those messages. Just want to let you know that we will all love you no matter what. I don't care if you are "Hannah" or Quillan, and neither should they.

I love you Emma <3
Liked by: Trish Trojo


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