*Goth SHRIEKS like a banshee when he sees @NameTheFallen and chucks @SkrixWraHybrid at Chara before SCREAMING continues xD Geno fears thunder, Reaper fears Dolls and Goth fears any and all Charas- that's actually the only thing he's terrified of*
[[and as we found out today courtesy of XChara, XGaster is afraid of mirrors]] *Ink is incredibly confused but decides he really doesn't want fighting breaking out in his doodlesphere so he takes Goth home*
*Goth is a midget XD he's the same height as Reaper but the reason why the AfterDeath kiddos are smol is because Geno doesn't have much bone mass, none of the kiddos took their height after Reaper, Raven is actually taller than his parents when he's older-*
Wait..he was serious!? *Ink wat*
Uhh..w-well...ya see um.. I didn't think you would let me have my own brush or costume of you.. s-so..my whole plan was to knock you out and steal broomie for a bit..and maybe get Palette to make me a costume of you..so I'd look pretty close to how you look..! I mean..I am about your height so..
*XD Ink actually lost to Broomie- I have no words*
*Goth just smiles* Okay, phew..I thought I was gonna have to claw your face off ..I know Broomie wouldn't actually work for me but I needed a brush so I could dress up like you! I wanted to dress up like you but I didn't think you'd approve..
Wait...really? You wouldn't of kiIIed us for asking to borrow Broomie? *Goth is just..I have no words to describe this child* we didn't have to attack you?
Uhh..crap.. I thought that would of worked..DARN YOU UNDERNOVELLA!! Um..*Goth then starts crying XD and grabs at Inks legs* I just wanted to dress up as you and prank everybody!! please don't kiII ME!
*Ink just snickers* "Nah Error's binge watching Undernovella, they're having a full series marathon, I interrupted him and ended up with a shoe thrown at me."
((Good to know! Because I originally had Silence wearing special masks but I took that away. I’m thinking his syringes help him change… instead of him having paint vials for emotions.))
Tbc *after taking a few minutes to think, Goth then summons his scythe and tries to hurl it at broomie although it was difficult to pin down exactly where Inks brush was, he's hoping he nails the brush and not Ink, he is Palettes dad after all*
Uhhh..! I-I do still have one ace up my sleeve in case this goes wrong! *Goth then pulls out his cell phone and sends someone a text, most likely he's trying to drag his father into this*
..Okay..now that that's done..how do I steal Broomie from Ink when he's like that.. tbc