
I'm Hir!

Latest answers from I'm Hir!

o i meant what about hikusa as art inspiration what about her?

ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well ok sure. a lot of people tell about how they like her lines or how her colors are smooth and vibrant, which ye i agree. but i also like how fast she draws and the way she comes up with ideas for poses and comics, the little interactions and details. her lines are great and flow-y but i also like how sometimes they're sketch-y or wibble-wobbly and it fits the answer she gives you. and her colors even though they are smooth, it was a.. creaminess to them, like a weight that fills the lines and makes the draws a whole thing. she probably needs to work on backgrounds but well... everyone sucks at those and is too lazy to come up with them and that's ok. lol

ok tell me about hikusa


Who is your main artist inspiration?

uh anyone i've ever met, seen their works and liked?? i mean i don't really have a main inspiration since i take ideas and thoughts from everyone i've ever looked at. man people should be more specific like super specific so I can talk about those things easier instead of just generally.

peanut butter, jam or cream cheese spread for toast?

all of the above in various combinations with other ingredients?

If someone tickles you, what is your immediate action?

moving away and most likely taking a swing at them haha;;;;

If your muse(s) could do anything else apart from singing or being a vocaloid, what would it be?

miku would probably love doing charity work or working with kids. poiyo would be ok being like a family candy shop owner (so he can do little work and take naps). roro isn't even vocaloid or singer but you can already see what kind of work he does in uramanbou's videos lol. so odd-jobs, hero, archaeologist... but really he'd be like an actor because of all the roles he plays wow.

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