

Ask @hockeyjosh9908

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What do you think about spouses sleeping in separate bedrooms?

Sometimes good but could be bad. I'd like the option to sometimes sleep alone but I think that may not be the best for the relationship

You’re right. I don’t have the nerve to reach out to you. I don’t know if it’s bc I don’t trust you, or if it’s bc I’m afraid of what you’ll say. Why won’t you reach out first? Why are we still doing this?!

Who is dis??

Whats your favorite ice cream flavor ? 🍦💖✨

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
Cookies and cream! I love the novelty flavor cookie monster which is Oreo cookies, chips ahoy, and cookie dough all in a Blue vanilla cream base ice cream!
Liked by: xmradios

What is something peanut butter is good on besides bread and crackers?

Banana, apples and celery..not all at once

do you play minecraft

Not really. I have played before but do not play it regularly. I did enjoy it just took lots of time.


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