

Ask @hockeyjosh9908

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من الوصايا المفضلة لقلبي هي وصية لجبران خليل جبران بيقول فيها "صدّقني لو فقدت ما فقدت لو كسّر الحرمان أضلاعك ستجتاز هذه الحياة كما يجتازها كل أحد فاختر الرضا يهُن عليك العبور " هي كده كده هتعدي فلما تعدي بالرضا أفضل من السخط 🦋🌺


Do you like scary movies?

Not particularly, what is the point of watching something that is just trying to scare me with no good plot?

do you love cats

I'm not a huge animal lover but cats can be nice. I like that they take care of themselves for the most part.

Is it possible to feel when someone’s thinking about you?

I believe you can have an intuition about someone if they are thinking about you but if this happened to everyone then some people would really know that I think about them alot!
Liked by: starseed

Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

I like to chat online or play video games. I'm also athletic and love sports

Language: English