
Violet TX

FAQ about you?

My name is Violet
I am 17 years old
I was born in Texas
I live in Los Angeles
I have a dog
I'm single
I have 2 big brother (Jack 19 yo and Ethan 18 yo) and two little sisters (Mia 7months and Taissa 15 yo)
I live with my best friend in LA
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Latest answers from Violet TX

please answer my questions about Victoria i'm gonna cry if u don't answer them :( :( :(

why are you going to cry?

where were you in spain? did you know to say something in spanish?

Barcelona. Holà, te amo, vamos a la playa. that's all I think ?

did Victoria recognize u when you met her the second and third and forth and fifth and sixth time?

Yeah she did

Language: English