
Panty Dropper

Ask @iamchucknorris94

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So why do you want to become an 'ordinary boy' ?

Mayar Mahmoud
You don't know my life.
It is crazy, hard, but also sad sometimes.
I must get up so early,
and after that,
when I get up I must learn.
I must be polite in the public,
I must be every day nicely dressed,
I must "fight" on the street with haters sometimes,
I don't have privacy,
because of paparazzi,
I have a lot of fake scandals,
so a lot people judge by this scandals,
my biggest dream come true,
so I don't have big dream now.
A lot people hate me.
They shout at me a lot times,
they called me gay, girl and so on.
Tipe on facebook " Anti- Justin Bieber",
theres almost 1.000.000 people,
only on the facebook.
Can you imagine it,
that every second people in the world hate you?
But my life is sometimes very nice,
I love some moments,
they are very beautiful.
The biggest very nice moment was Madison Square Garden.
20.000 people. In year 2010 sold out in 22 minutes.
In year 2012 sold out in 30 SEC!
So... I want to be an ordinary boy,
but I want to have still Beliebers,
I can't breathe without them!
But... I can't be an ordinary boy without Beliebers,
without Beliebers I am not JUSTIN BIEBER.

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