
icy mystic

Ask @icymsrich1

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How do you deal with depression?

I try to get active even if it initially starts out as goin through the motions. Jot down a few of your joys if you have to and start doing them. Try not to isolate too much. Fill your space with positive ppl and messages. Don’t listen to those sad songs, don’t watch those sad movies unless it’ll help release emotion. Contact someone who you can talk to and/or can pour into you. I also talk back to the voice in my head that’s discouraging my efforts. Any type of hateful words I follow up like I’m protecting my best friend ..cus I am. And all in all trust that it won’t last forever. It will pass when you actively work against it.
Liked by: BlackTeaX

Why is it that my ex claimed he loves me but couldn’t tell me in front of his friends he only does it when we’re alone he doesn’t understand that I think he doesn’t due to his actions especially from what he put me thru in the past?

Some people don’t do well with being vulnerable around others. I wouldn’t assume the worst but with all of that said.. you deserve better
Liked by: shateria

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What are the best movies or TV shows you've watched, recently?

vexiled’s Profile Photo↭vex↭
Black phone, Nope and Good luck to you Leo Grande were good movies. Flea ba annnd pvalley have been pretty good shows
Liked by: ↭vex↭

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