@igotamatch#16 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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hi there, I have a really huge crush on you, however I'm really shy to tell you so I'll dedicate this song to you instead :) https://spoti.fi/2T0VjIJ

If I told you what a fukking pest you are ~ it would only make your day.
ASK really has to get sued to hell for allowing menaces like you
~ you must wash your face in a muddy puddle ; while a 70 tonne truck bears down on you to squish your bubble . . . . now THAT is the only CRUSH for you
hi there I have a really huge crush on you however Im really shy to tell you so

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Throwback music day: Drop a link to an old school track everyone can groove to!

If you had an option of being the sun or moon, which one would you choose and why? ☀️??

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
The Sun . . . . coz I can just shine on . . . .
and , when I'm in a reflective mood . . . . . I can reflect upon the moon any time I want . . . .
~ except when the bloody earth gets in the way . . But soon . . . . I will have bacon & fried earth for all-day breakfast .....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vu88jyvC9oigotamatch’s Video 161477762170 6vu88jyvC9oigotamatch’s Video 161477762170 6vu88jyvC9o
If you had an option of being the sun or moon which one would you choose and why

For example.... if the idea was a fail or not?

akciMMicka’s Profile Photo⚜️ m o n i c a ⚜️
. . . . . I've never ever been surprised by my ideas . . . . always the ideas I pursued ....
~ of course things fail/succeed ~ but , I don't usually pursue uncertainty
+1 answer in: “?G'day! What ideas did you or others have that surprised you?”

??? «Слова любимого человека лечат лучше, чем все врачи мира. И убивают быстрее всех палачей!» Как тебе удаётся справиться после обидных слов от любимого человека? Ведь порой сказаны сгоряча, необдуманно, в порыве гнева, в момент ссоры.. А порой - в ответ на такие же горькие, обидные слова..

""""??? “The words of a loved one are treated better than all the doctors of the world. And they kill faster than all executioners! ” How do you manage to cope after insulting words from a loved one? After all, sometimes they were spoken in haste, rashly, in a fit of anger, at the time of a quarrel .. And sometimes - in response to the same bitter, insulting words .. ⋆ * ✮ М❀ℕi̾kA ✮ * ⋆""""""
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~ a cold numbness eventually descends , through the shock as betrayal becomes a reality . . . . .
~ after a time . . . of recurrent viciousness . . . . . . they freeze themselves off ~ like a wort .
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~ холодное оцепенение в конечном счете спускается через шок, поскольку предательство становится реальностью. , , , ,
~ через некоторое время , , периодической порочности. , , , , , они замерзают, как сусло.

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?G'day! What ideas did you or others have that surprised you?

akciMMicka’s Profile Photo⚜️ m o n i c a ⚜️
All these thoughts in my head are my own . . .
~ how could they surprise myself ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMUY5vmkq3gigotamatch’s Video 161462573946 GMUY5vmkq3gigotamatch’s Video 161462573946 GMUY5vmkq3g
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUrcCGbVanYigotamatch’s Video 161462573946 BUrcCGbVanYigotamatch’s Video 161462573946 BUrcCGbVanY
+1 answer Read more

Задам странный и необычный вопрос: ? Вы умерли, что стало причиной вашей кончины? Если хотите, то подпишитесь ☺

ESendELLA’s Profile PhotoESendELLA
""""I will ask a strange and unusual question: ? You died, what caused your death? Subscribe if you want ☺ ESendAYN""""
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~ surely you do not wish to know ?
Задам странный и необычный вопрос    Вы умерли что стало причиной вашей кончины

Can you sing and dance? If not, do you wish you did?

One of My Irish Mother's millions of favourite sayings . . . . (the Irish only HAVE sayings , t' b' sure , t' b' sure . . .)
was: "don b' maykin' a song & dance . . . . "
~ so how the fik , or fak , could oi ever b' able t' sing & dance & dishonour my ma ??
Well , here's hoi . . . .
~ omg , go and fukkoff , admin you base-turds ~
Can you sing and dance If not do you wish you did

☹️?? Обидчивость. К какому типу людей ты себя относишь - к обидчивым/в меру обидчивым/вообще беспроблемным, ...?Понятно, что на всё есть свои ситуации, причины, люди.. но что конкретно тебя доводит до крайней степени раздражения, и ты обижаешься по максимуму, и что нужно, чтобы обида прошла?

"""☹️?? Touchiness. What type of people do you consider yourself to be touchy / moderately touchy / generally problem-free ...? It’s clear that everything has its own situations, reasons, people .. but what exactly brings you to the extreme degree of irritation, and you are offended by to the maximum, and what is needed to resent? ⋆ * ✮ М❀ℕi̾kA ✮ * ⋆

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxUlkky3oIIigotamatch’s Video 161335902842 jxUlkky3oIIigotamatch’s Video 161335902842 jxUlkky3oII
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfjnhyN5Hkkigotamatch’s Video 161335902842 hfjnhyN5Hkkigotamatch’s Video 161335902842 hfjnhyN5Hkk
Обидчивость К какому типу людей ты себя относишь  к обидчивымв меру


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