@igotamatch#45 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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Existe algum perfume que te causa um efeito afrodisíaco, mesmo que leve?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
"Is there any perfume that gives you an aphrodisiac effect, even if it's mild?" ""
~ for 16, 17, even 18-year-old boys . . . .
you walk in to the dance floor . . . each and every angel , has her intoxinating , heady fragrance . . .
~ you dance closer & closer , to melt into something way more than desire ~ arms reach . . . around your neck, adoring eyes . . . 3 minutes of entoxinating heaven & you melt apart . . . . to search the ocean for the next refuge of exotic funque . . . . sometimes they stay , just a little longer . . .
sometimes to walk home . . .
sometimes , a walk in the park , in the summer-sunday-sun, can you even remember how she looks . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ECsK4p-Zcigotamatch’s Video 172170877306 T4ECsK4p-Zcigotamatch’s Video 172170877306 T4ECsK4p-Zc
no, not intoxicating; intoxenating!

I'm drunk and have work in 5 hours. What should I do?

1) gulp down 2 pints of tepid/warm water (take a really deep breath~ don't stop , gulp eet doon) . . .
2) take a total dump . . .
3) get someone to go-work for you, or square it with whomever
4) sulleeeeeeep
. . . . sooooth with some super-clean-funk . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWAko7gscP4igotamatch’s Video 172189854586 iWAko7gscP4igotamatch’s Video 172189854586 iWAko7gscP4

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No mundo existe aquilo que cada um atreve-se a acreditar? (Livre Interpretação.)

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
Is there in the world what everyone dares to believe? (Free interpretation.)
*3 favourites from my dark 16/17 yr-old*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG8MK8r7QyQigotamatch’s Video 172170344570 yG8MK8r7QyQigotamatch’s Video 172170344570 yG8MK8r7QyQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8QqbJ7NQ8wigotamatch’s Video 172170344570 J8QqbJ7NQ8wigotamatch’s Video 172170344570 J8QqbJ7NQ8w

NOW , i'm 97+ . . . . thanx . . . but my h8red is a million-fold of the enemy ......

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
*I apologise to noble Americans ~ there are significants who KNOW , and have the COURAGE , to speak the TRUTH ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqE9kiHObi8igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 vqE9kiHObi8igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 vqE9kiHObi8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5TRklKXfSkigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 T5TRklKXfSkigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 T5TRklKXfSk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjipS6LWijYigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 bjipS6LWijYigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 bjipS6LWijY ~ YOOKIES get Leopards from gerry !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZIgaSAfd7gigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 dZIgaSAfd7gigotamatch’s Video 172189882746 dZIgaSAfd7g ~ FalseFlag- real, set to hit yookies .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rtmNNtj9k8igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 2rtmNNtj9k8igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 2rtmNNtj9k8 ~ drugs 4 Yookies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhZcSXQXMf0igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 bhZcSXQXMf0igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 bhZcSXQXMf0 ~ Yookies future
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHmaA8DBUK4igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 uHmaA8DBUK4igotamatch’s Video 172189882746 uHmaA8DBUK4


igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
I . . . NEVER buy satan's burning , fake shit . . .
yet , I go to the top of the 'leada-bodd' , 5 x in the last 3 weeks ; aRABS buy, thousands , yet I bust theirr assssses x1,0000000 ; now they say I'm -377 flames . . . overnight
~ solution:
call in the co-ordinates for their evilist sites ~ yoo crane ian & latter-splatter-v-ian . . . . . & VOVO-shatter !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uawHhLMjl_0igotamatch’s Video 172189828730 uawHhLMjl_0igotamatch’s Video 172189828730 uawHhLMjl_0

Você se sente uma pessoa triunfante? Caso não, o que te impede de sentir isso?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
"Do you feel like a triumphant person? In case not, what's stopping you from feeling that?" ""
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFpqxVYoiS0&t=20sigotamatch’s Video 172182371450 WFpqxVYoiS0igotamatch’s Video 172182371450 WFpqxVYoiS0
~ in case not, perhaps the elePHANTs fell off their TRIUMPH-Bonneville ~
Você se sente uma pessoa triunfante Caso não o que te impede de sentir isso

Where are you from

stewie_9863’s Profile Photostewart
~ from . . . . from, lockdown , "only the brave . . . "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKZwf-jb8kMigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 LKZwf-jb8kMigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 LKZwf-jb8kM
from . . . . "no other . . . "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv_LYLbjSYIigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 rv_LYLbjSYIigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 rv_LYLbjSYI
from . . . . "when you return . . . . "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNq1O0JcX6Iigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 hNq1O0JcX6Iigotamatch’s Video 172176937594 hNq1O0JcX6I

You text a friend to ask if they are free on a certain day. They reply 2 months later. The date you wanted to meet up has passed.what do you do? Do you wait 2 months to text them back? Do you text back straight away? Or do you end the friendship?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon ( Birthday Week )
With 'friend' like this, who needs enemies .
No-one can helpfully advise on a situation like this, without knowing and understanding the complexities of the background.
But I would not allow anyone so thoughtless & selfish to have any influence in my life .
It's not the description of a friend .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-H_9qGuRGEigotamatch’s Video 172166382714 W-H_9qGuRGEigotamatch’s Video 172166382714 W-H_9qGuRGE

Представьте ситуацию,на завтрашний день,по непонятным вам причинам,в вашем городе градус опустился ниже 60ти градусов, и это на целый месяц. У вас будет что одеть,или будете сидеть дома , пока не потеплеет?

Girs1993’s Profile PhotoРуслан Р.
"" I received a personal question from Каришка Альметьевск:
Karishka Almetievsk
"Imagine the situation, for tomorrow, for reasons unknown to you, in your city the degree dropped below -60 degrees Celsius, and this is for a whole month. Will you have something to wear, or will you stay at home until it gets warmer?" ""
Большое спасибо за вопрос!
Мало у кого в отсталой Британии есть одежда, хотя бы наполовину подходящая для такой температуры. . .
Даже при -10°С молодые люди, особенно девушки, выходят практически голыми в пятницу/субботу. . . .
С тех пор, как мы вернулись домой в понедельник, 5 дней назад, мы не пошли дальше сада ~ чтобы покормить зверя!
Однако сегодня мы ДОЛЖНЫ отправиться в город. . . . в bmw можно подняться по склону!
(for the british barbarians:)
Thank-You , so-much for the question!
Few people, if any, in backward-Britain have the the clothing even half suitable for such temperature . . .
Even at -10C young people, particularly girls , go out virtually naked on Friday/Saturday nights . . . .
Since we came home on Monday , 5 days ago , we have gone no further than the garden ~ to feed the beast !
Today, however, we MUST go to town . . . . in the bmw can climb the incline !
https://youtu.be/sFWtQ5AV0vgigotamatch’s Video 172154739578 sFWtQ5AV0vgigotamatch’s Video 172154739578 sFWtQ5AV0vg

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igotamatch’s Video 172154739578 sFWtQ5AV0vgigotamatch’s Video 172154739578 sFWtQ5AV0vg

O que você faz para aliviar a tensão, quando não quer ouvir os seus pensamentos? (Livre Interpretação.)

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
. . . . . . hear the tale of the American, the Canadian, and the Frenchman , in a boat . . .
(a Canadian Joke)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XekPdH2FBZEigotamatch’s Video 172145154426 XekPdH2FBZEigotamatch’s Video 172145154426 XekPdH2FBZE

Pra animar a noite: Qual foi a coisa mais sem vergonha e cara de pau que você viu alguém falar, desde o choro do lula com:" por favor, me ajuda!" .. ?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
I received a personal question from xintho:
"""To liven up the night: What's the most shameless and brazen thing you've seen someone say, since squid crying with: "please help me!" ..?"""
Well, the squid should never have borrowed money from the Loan Shark (who was also a lone shark, and a lone shark)
especially as the squid was very ill
When the extremely ill squid begged more time to repay his debt . . . . because he was so unwell . . . . . the shark threatened to EAT the wretched squid !
Which is what the shark did ~ he rolled on his back, and swallowed the squid!
So the cruel lone shark swam on his way, feeling pretty pleased with himself, as the meanest beast of the ocean-blue . . .
Till he came face to face with the KILLER-WHALE !
"AHAHA" , said the ORCA , "well looky who it is, if it isn't the scabby loan-shark . . . . you owe me £6 , and if you don't pay me immediately , I'll eat you !"
"OK, OK," , said the shark . . . . . he retched , and vomited up the squid , "there you go, there's the sick squid I owe you"
(if you don't 'get it' , you owe me a thousand flaming fake coins , or I'll eat YOU!)

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Pra animar a noite Qual foi a coisa mais sem vergonha e cara de pau que você viu

Thank you from the bottom of my heart🤗

Svetlashka23’s Profile Photo✨Кхандро✨
Это всегда честь и удовольствие!
~ Спасибо!
Очень редко можно услышать эту прекрасную шотландскую песню в таком прекрасном исполнении!
и пел отлично , идеально
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h44hsxkzj-gigotamatch’s Video 172146903930 h44hsxkzj-gigotamatch’s Video 172146903930 h44hsxkzj-g

Se você parar pra pensar na sua vida até hoje; qual foi a sua melhor escolha?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
"If you stop to think about your life to date; what was your best choice?" ""
Most recent best choice, 16 Jan ; Driving 33 extra miles north up the 'YARROW VALLEY' , which had virtually no snow !
(rather than crossing over, thru ETTRICK & TEVIOT valleys, stormed with snow !
Our carcasses would lost in a drift for ever if we'd done that !
Se você parar pra pensar na sua vida até hoje qual foi a sua melhor escolha

Quando foi a última vez que descobriu um novo amor?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""dz9ronin’s Profile Photo
"When was the last time you discovered a new love?" ""
Just over 5 years ago ~ on M-Fing Ask !!!!
We've been away . . . . for our ANNIVERSARY-3 ! ! !
*in our hotel room, THE BALMORAL, in a tiny town called MOFFAT , had to cross 3 snowy valleys/mountain ranges*
Quando foi a última vez que descobriu um novo amor

Teste: De qual Deus da mitologia Grega você seria filho(a)? : https://pt.quizur.com/quiz/amp/de-qual-deus-grego-voce-seria-filho-a-RXks Poste o resultado! 😁

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
Well, the quiz says . . . .
. . . ATHENA
Which is interesting , very ; because my spontaneous response , before doing the quiz ; I said, I won't be any child of those Mount Olympians !
~ I will be the Father of Athena !
What does make me . . . . Oedipus ! ?
But of course t'was ZEUS !
(Athena began growing inside Zeus's head. When Haphaestus cut open Zeus's head, and Athena was born, she was not born an infant. Instead, Athena was born a fully grown warrior, dressed in armor and ready for war. This is how Athena became the goddess of war and wisdom.)
Teste De qual Deus da mitologia Grega você seria filhoa

Já descobriu algo muito bom em você após passar por algum momento de dores e preocupações?

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
""Ask @dz9ronin:
"Have you discovered something very good about yourself after going through some time of pain and worries?" ""
sooner , the going throughs will flatline
to a beautiful wasteland
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXb9eceW8iMigotamatch’s Video 172133110906 uXb9eceW8iMigotamatch’s Video 172133110906 uXb9eceW8iM


Language: English