@igotamatch#15 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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If you were a volunteer, where would you like to work?

Do don't know what you can do till you try ~ you can get a surprise . . . . or a shock.
~ I've found I can bring comfort to the broken ; but you need to have the integrity to stand aside if you're not right for the job ~ unless there's no-one else ~
~ this applies , not just when trying to help people ; I've seen appalling cases of so-called conservationists causing havoc , harm , & destruction ; from the 'let's whack the invasive species' brigade , to damage to the environment by people indulging their own misguided ideas . . . .

If you get this I follow you. Question, what's the most stupidest way you've hurt yourself? Snapchat - motheaterx

ToxicalWolfie’s Profile PhotoToxical Wolf
I know there's been a few . . . . which is the worst ? Probably the other kind of hurt that leaves a legacy , the hurt of the heart & soul . . .
~ but one physical accidental self-hurt that readily jumps into memory ~ about 3 years back , I was rushing to get away (late as usual) , I ultra quickly opened a rear passenger door of my BMW x3 (quite high) , didn't get my head out of the way quick enough & caught the sharp top corner right in my temple ~ my reflex jerk caused a longer lasting injury down my side & hip !
~ the head was blinding agony for about 10 minutes , but I walked with a limp for 2 or 3 days ~ mong!
If you get this I follow you Question whats the most stupidest way youve hurt

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Favourite dessert? (Try to think specific things if you can) ?

ronniebon’s Profile PhotoRonnie
The only thing I routinely have at home is live yoghurt ~ why do they have to ruin them with refined sugar?
~ the sharper the better ; best is natural , with only fresh fruit , maybe a little nut-muesli . . . .
~ I don't have a specific favourite , but I do like to round of with a dessert when I'm out ~ depends what's available ~ the sharper the better , it must have some cape gooseberries ! (damn , I've lost my cg emojis)
~ a restaurant in Edinburgh I used to frequent had amazing fresh-peach melba ~
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Favourite dessert Try to think specific things if you can

Fuck I sent it anonymously but again Hey humans! How is everybody? I should be active a lot more often now which is hopefully good news to most folks! Like my recent lmfao But apart from that I've been busy working/seshing I hope everybody is doing great

ToxicalWolfie’s Profile PhotoToxical Wolf
~ not had a solitary drop for 21 days today . . . . & there's a box of Belgian 10% downstairs ! Not to mention bottles of Czech highly hopped , been there for 4 months , since my 'outburst' ~ excess hops drive me nuts ~
~ there are humans on here?? !
~ always good to hear . . . . hope you're enjoying the packing ~ have you ever spotted a label for someone you know ?

what time do you usually wake up in the morning? what time do you go to bed? do you believe you get a decent amount of sleep per night?

I've always had strong nocturnal traits . . . . "make the party last longer than the night" , was my goal . . . . . how often , in my teens , would my mother come through to the kitchen & say, "my , yer up early this morning" , not noticing my 'night-out-clothes' . . . she was the most persistent denier of the obvious . . . . whomever wound up with me , i liked to have for breakfast . . . would never let them go home . .
# I'm currently 'running on fumes' , average 6 hours or less
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egqx1IVMhx8igotamatch’s Video 142903964538 egqx1IVMhx8igotamatch’s Video 142903964538 egqx1IVMhx8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZIci_KmtbYigotamatch’s Video 142903964538 hZIci_KmtbYigotamatch’s Video 142903964538 hZIci_KmtbY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3k4oq8_bkoigotamatch’s Video 142903964538 q3k4oq8_bkoigotamatch’s Video 142903964538 q3k4oq8_bko

What social stigma does society need to get over?

rrevilu’s Profile PhotoSparkstt
The very phenomena of stigmas , dictates they will never be gotten over , that's why they are there . . . they will always keep coming back ~ it's one of the strongest traits of our species .. . . people try to pretend they can be removed , but they will always return to to torment ~
~ but we must keep trying , but not delude about that flaw . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOx1d9RcAzIigotamatch’s Video 142912477050 gOx1d9RcAzIigotamatch’s Video 142912477050 gOx1d9RcAzI

do you normally eat breakfast first thing in the morning? what's your favorite breakfast food?

Breakfast and morning are entirely different things for me . . . . .
~ for some 1+ years , my default breakfast was weetabix + slices of Normandy butter with sea-salt (occasionally) or olive spread . . .
~ this past week or so , between 4am & 6am , on my way to morning dogwalk , I've been getting a hot fresh backed 'Cornish Pastie' or a 'Bridie' haha , & some fresh baked scotch rolls for stuffing with green salad later . . .
~ but today i've not eaten for 24+ hours . . . . it's 03:35 , soon be time .......
do you normally eat breakfast first thing in the morning whats your favorite
Liked by: Thảo Nguyên

LN , temp. ~ upper layer can reach 18.5+ C by August ~

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Fault-line origins have wrought a trench-like basin of remarkable uniformity and depth, with steep rocky walls sloping to a flat silt bed. A maximum depth of 230m (754ft) was found by Sir John Murray's Bathymetrical Survey of 1903 which varies little from a depth of 227m (745ft) recorded during the hydrographic survey by the Loch Ness Project in 1991. This depth is second only to Loch Morar (310m, 1017ft) among the British lakes. The catchment area, of 1,775 square kilometres, is mostly hard rock and yields few chemical nutrients to the dark peaty water entering the loch by seven main rivers and about 100 streams.
The lack of nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates, is just as important as on land. These nutrients are the essential fertilisers for plant growth (photosynthesis); feeding grass on the land and tiny algae in water. The amount of this "primary productivity" forms the base of the "food chain" and normally determines the amount of animal life any habitat can sustain. In fact lakes are sometimes divided into two groups according to the amount of nutrients in them; eutrophic (nutrient rich) and oligotrophic (nutrient poor) lakes like Loch Ness. This has further consequences not only upon how much life can exist, but which regions of the lake it can occupy.
In any lake, the water stratifies in summer. This means that as the upper water (the epilimnion) warms, it becomes less dense and floats on the colder water (the hypolimnion) beneath. They are separated by a zone of rapid temperature change called the thermocline. Thus the "upper" lake is separated from the "lower" lake until cooled and mixed again during the winter gales. Photosynthesis is limited to the upper part of the epilimnion where light can penetrate and once the nutrients are used, they cannot be replaced from the hypolimnion beneath until mixing occurs. The algae therefore die. In shallow eutrophic lakes the decay of organic matter descending into the hypolimnion uses up the oxygen there, much to the detriment of deep water life. However in deep oligotrophic lakes, such as Loch Ness, these profound effects do not occur since nutrients are already low in the epilimnion and there is little deoxygenation of the vast hypolimnion which remains over 80% oxygen saturated. Therefore, although Loch Ness may not be very productive it has the compensation of stability. It is spared the seasonal booms and crashes of more productive waters and a variety of life, including fish, can survive in even its deepest regions.
Loch Ness is so large that the summer's warmth does not entirely leave it until well into the next spring, in the meantime melting the snow along its shores. For the same reason however, the loch takes a long time to heat and no summer warms more than the upper ten metres to more than about 15oC and only the top few centimetres to 20oC. The loch is relatively cold from a biological point of view and many of its inhabitants are "relicts" from glacial times.

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LN  temp  upper layer can reach 185 C by August

I do think there is more to race than just skin colour and facial features? For example oriental people have intelligence as an attribute, black people have speed as an attribute and white people have strength as an attribute, do you agree?

Occurrence of 'Race' ~ ameta-morphagonesis of, is the development of specific characteristics based on specific environmental conditions.
~ eg , our skin becomes paler , less melanistic , in order to absorb adequate sunlight , to manufacture adequate vitamin D.
~ it's part of our continuing evolution that we reintegrate . . . it makes sense that we exploit or inherent characteristics to our mutual benefit ~ AS A SPECIES . (homo sapiens)


Language: English