

Ask @illin_ahmed

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What is the difference between living and existing?

fiezuqa’s Profile PhotoJess
Living means the condition of being alive. On the other hand Existing means the state of being physically present. Living is when you do the things intensely in life. One who is living understands life. Mere existence limits the varied features of life.
What is the difference between living and existing

💎 Uma meta que você pretende cumprir ainda esse ano:

Kyuuubi’s Profile PhotoBling
começar a trabalhar em período integral a partir deste ano ..

Кому не жалко 🔥 поделитесь пожалуйста с бедным человеком 🥺🙏🏻🤏

nusha14’s Profile PhotoТанечка`
бедный или богатый не имеет значения, честен ли человек.

Hast du Spiele auf deinem Handy? Wenn ja, welches spielst du am liebsten?

Annabelle97’s Profile PhotoAnnabelle
Nein. Ich habe keine Spiele in meinem Handy. Ich spiele keine Spiele, weil ich es nicht mag.

Olhando minha foto de perfil, o que você acha de mim?

você está trabalhando no escritório.


Language: English