
Prismaroo Zyne

Latest answers from Prismaroo Zyne

Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

alone. i don't like being with people when i have free time. but i can never be alone. there's just always one person around, and i hate it. when i want to be alone at school, boosh a friend or a classmate just comes in and accompanies me, and i tell them i just want to sped my free time alone. they're just like "why?"
you want to know why?
because i have a life, and I hate being with all of you, honestly.
I can NEVER be alone because of you guys.

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

yes. friendships like those exist, so of course a male and a female can be friends c:

On a scale from 1 to 10 how weird are you?

according to myself: 7
according to strangers/friends/parents and older siblings: 10
according to best friends(which, mind you, are people i have been friends with or at least 3 years OR friends that i can reach to and they'll talk to me, and have many similar interests): 4

Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?

depends, how giant would I be if I were to be a giant hamster?
I'm gonna become a tiny elephant.

Language: English