

Ask @ItsDollop

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What the fuck being rude isn't a bad habit it's a choice.. Stop making excuses

Lol, And What U Knoe Me Better Than I Knoe Mah Self.....Erm Nahh Didnt Think So.
...If I Have A Bad Habit Thats For Me To Deal With, If U Have A Problem With It...U Can Go Fuck Ur Self....K?

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Somewhere Over The Rainbows... Some other lyrics that I don't know~~~ :D Be prepared to play the double bass tomoz!!!

Ahhh Shit..... :/

wat do all girls love :)

Erm.........MOST Like Make Up.....MOST Like Boys.....MOST Like.....Why Would U Ask Me A Question Like This....
...I Mean Do U Even KNOW Me!!!

the best way to approach a girl

"Eyoo My Sizee!!!!"
"Excuse Me, Are Yu From Tennessee? Cos Ur The Only Ten I See"
....Loool Nah Approach A Girl Like That And Lets See If U Dont Get Slapped On The Face!

Not a habit .. It's behaviour and it's called being a bitch

Nah Trust Me Its A Habit...If I Were A Bitch Id Admit It But Seriously I Aint.

What kind of person are you if you can't apologise ? That is a human thing to do to realise your mistakes

I Never Said I Cant Apologise, I Said I Aint Good At It.......Thats Two Different Things ://

Changing is what I fucking want you do haven't you realised no one like the rude bitchy you

Poppy I Knoe This Is You....
...So You'ed Rather Tell Me This Through Anon....?? :/

"Shit happens gee"? Your the fucking shit that happend your just fucking rude to everyone

Lol, And You've Just Noticed Im Rude Now.... And What U Want Me To Change...??? Nigga Skrt.

Best 2 boy friends? Best 2 girl friends?

Erm I Have A Boyfriend And Its Joe .....And I Aint Les... So :/
.....I Probably Interpretated This Question Wrongly But Ohwell!


Language: English